Sunday 12 July 2009

Hello everyone,
I seem to disappear for a long while and then when I try to come back I have to fiddle around trying to get my password back - ho hum.
Matthew has now left school and will be starting College in September. He will be one of the youngest there as he only turns 16 a few days before. He is getting a bit bored at home and surprisingly doesn't seem keen to fill his time with any of the jobs I can find for him! He has had his first date with a very pretty girl from his old school called Daisy. They went to the pictures the other evening with his older brother being their chauffeur for the night. He hasn't really said much about it or whether he will be going out with her again, so watch this space for the wedding.
Talking about weddings, my dear niece Lisa got married in June. I was a sort of honorary mother of the bride and even wore a hat! We had a really wonderful time planning it over the last few months and I still find myself looking at wedding things, aw. I have attached a photo of the girls the evening before the wedding and also the photo and candle we placed near the cake in memory of their dear mum, my dear sister, Barb. The bride, Lisa, is on the right and her twin, Claire on the left and then Rosie in the middle. Isn't it a lovely picture of the bride and groom. Daniel is a lovely young man and they make a great couple. Lisa, Rosie and I stayed at the hotel where she got married the night before and the photo of the girls was taken at a Chinese restaurant which is a favourite of ours. We had a great evening and it was so relaxing being in the right place for the wedding the next day. Now I have got the hang of the photos I'll try and post a few more.
Rosie is having an impacted tooth out on Tuesday and we are all feeling nervous about it. We know its for the best as if its done now it will be better for her as she gets older and the roots form properly but its hard putting your baby in the doctor's hands! She is still a tiny girl. She is loving having her guitar lessons and is in a concert next weekend playing "Sweet Child of Mine".
We're off to Butlins again on the 8th of August. The kids are excited and I am looking forward to the rest. Its a shame my sister can't come this time but she has a very bad knee and is waiting for an operation and feels she cannot manage the journey. This is the first time she will not be with us for many years and I know we are missing her coming already. We always have a great time, always have a couple of rows and enjoy making up.
I have moved to a new office. Its called the Broadgate Tower and I am on the 29th floor - eeek. Its so nice though after our old building and its nice to work in lovely, clean surroundings.
My dear friend Audrey is getting more confused, if that is possible. Her husband is a difficult man but I don't think he has bad dementia but he does have prostrate problems. You won't believe that he has recently been rowing with her because she won't have sex with him .... yes - my god - he is 78! I couldn't believe what he was saying and in front of my Rosie too! I think the time has come really though that they should both have more help and maybe by going into a home where they can have more care.
Anyway, I don't know if this will save but I hope so. Lisa Jo, I am missing you and don't seem to be able to get to your blog at all, I think I need permissions. I hope you are well.
Lots of hugs to all my dear friends x hug for Gerry, hug for Yasmin x
Tells x
PS: This is how bad I am - I seem to have another blog here exactly the same name and posted this on there instead of here - oooooh.

Saturday 24 January 2009

Here I am again

Well, I have not been around for a while have I?

I hope everyone is well. I am feeling good at the moment but as usual my life has been really busy, particularly with work. The new job has proved to be pretty tough and I feel I am being mangled at times. I have now been doing it for almost 4 months and have good days and bad days. I still wonder whether I have done the right thing but in some ways perhaps it is doing my brain some good and making it work harder. Physically though I am very tired and putting even more hours into it.

I am sorry to say that my friend, Audrey, is really quite lost to me now with her Alzheimers. I am having a lot of problems now in trying to focus on helping her and her husband. There have been confrontations with one of her carers and her family have also been rather high handed, even though they do practically nothing for her. I am so glad though that I got the care plan going for her where they get visits 3 times a day and but there have been problems about shopping not being got and making myself unpopular to achieve it. Too many cooks, eh? Anyway, I am trying to step back a bit and leave them all to it with myself just visiting at weekends now as I am satisfied that the careplan is working well at the moment.

Not much time for much at the moment as I am home late most nights but we did manage to get out for a nice meal last weekend with some old friends. I say old because we are all getting blooming old now!

I am looking forward to going to a friend's party in London on the 7th and Martin will be coming with me, to escort his old auntie safely round the tube system. Its being held in Kensington at a posh pub, so I am hoping for some posh nosh too.

Yasmin, you prompted me to write on here again. I hope you are well my dear and I will try to catch up a bit with everyone once I find out where they are on this system.

Take care everyone.

Tells x

Wednesday 24 September 2008

This n' that

Well hello there!  Here I am again.  I did try to put an entry on since going private but it seemed to get lost, so I hope you'll be able to read this one.  The reason I went private really was for Matthew and Rosie's privacy but also because I was slightly worried who might be reading me, especially if it was anyone I didn't want to know our business.  I know I have not added everyone but hope to sort this out soon and do apologise if you have initially been left off my update list.

I also apologise for not commenting much but all will be explained below.

We have had a really busy Summer, we went away to Butlins in Skegness in early August and then at the end of the month we stayed in a lovely beach house at Caister on Sea.  Butlins was great but very cramped in a very small caravan really for 7 people.  My niece and her boyfriend's feet were hanging outside their door every morning as their beds were so small, tee hee!  It was great though, my sister, Christine, joined us and we left the caravan early every morning on little expeditions whilst the drinkers slept the morning away.  Hmmm, Matthew and Rosie also slept late too but mainly from exhaustion and not from the drink!  Chris and I felt very virtuous as we are now old we mainly drink diet coke, are both on blood pressure pills, which make us get up early every day anyway because we need a pee! 

Paul came with us to Caister and it was nice to spend a holiday as a family together.  Matthew and Rosie enjoyed lots of lay ins there too and Paul and  were up with the lark, sitting on the balcony with our coffees and admiring our sea view.  The cottage was perfect and felt quite luxurious after our caravan trip.  I even had a washing machine there, so it was like heaven not having to take all the dirty washing home again.

On the night we got back from Caister I took a call from my niece to tell me that my sister, Chris, had been taken to hospital and feeling very poorly.  I literally started shaking all over and got myself straight to the hospital.  She had been fine in Skegness 2 weeks before and we had had such fun.  Apparently, whilst Paul and I were away Chris had been having a pain in her side all week and was feeling really bad.  Her blood pressure was over 200 and her diabetes was madly over the limit.  Thank god that after 5 days, they managed to sort her out, she was on morphine for most of the time and has now started injecting herself with her diabetes drugs.  She hadn't been getting on with her tablets before and I think she had been missing them out because they made her feel ill, in the end though it made her even worse.  The pain in the side may be diverticulitis but they are still not sure if that is what it is.  She still has the pain but has been xrayed and tested and it is not sinister.  I still don't think I have got over the shock of her being so ill and it certainly pulls you up and makes you think how much you take for granted.  She had a scare earlier again this year with her breast cancer and is such a trooper about all her ills.  I don't know what I would do without her.

When we got back we attended the wedding of my goddaughter, Jodie.  We had a fantastic day although it was sad that my dear friend, Mary and her husband, Ron, were not there to share that special day. 

Work, as you know, has been manic but I have just got a promotion and will not be a secretary any longer.  My new job starts on Monday and I have got a massive pay rise although this job deserves danger money as I am working almost directly for a crazy fella, who is very volotile.  I am going to be like the departmental co-ordinator, she who is supposed to have the answer for everything at her fingertips and I'll also still be supervising the secretaries too.  It was a hard decision to make because I know I am laying myself open to some big stress but it is nice to know that I don't have to print out my bosses in-boxes any more and do filing and heavy lifting.  I'll let you know how I get on.

I am trying again to attach some photos, they are of our hols in Caister.

Hugs to you all, dear friends.

Tells x

Thursday 31 July 2008

oh no. not her!

I have been a terrible journaller but here I am again.  I do apologise for not commenting and once again, think I will have to start again and clear the lots of alerts I have.  I did see that Chuck has passed away, which saddened me as he was always so upbeat and alert.  His daughter's entry was very uplifting.

Things have been manic as usual here but we are all ok.  The children are on holiday and enjoying lazy days.  Matthew has been going fishing with Martin, getting up at the crack of dawn and really enjoying time spent with his big brother.  Martin still hasn't got himself a job but is doing private work which is helping out until he does get settled again.

Rosie is fine.  She has started learning the guitar and is making terrific progress.  She has learned quite a few chords and can knock out a tune from song books now which is great fun, imagine if you can her playing and me singing (wailing, more like) achey breakey heart!  I keep teasing her that we can be a double act.

Work is fine.  I have news.  I am not going to be a secretary any longer, they have offered me a more managerial role with a massive rise within our Group and I will be starting it mid Sept/beginning October.  It will be marvellous for me, no more blimming filing and although it will be a challenge it will be good for my brain.  Basically its doing a lot of things I do already which have been extra to my job and it will be great getting paid for it!  It will be strange though not being a secretary after all these years.  Its obviously given my confidence a real boost and its at times like this you wish you could tell your mum and dad that something good has happened.

Today its 6 years since I lost my precious Barbara.  I had a few tears yesterday remembering our last days together at the hospital.    The children don't realise what day it is and I won't remind them, why make them feel bad too?

Rosie is coming to work with me today as the boys have gone fishing.  She is really excited as she is very fond of some of the people I work with having got to know them socially.  I will take her to lunch and for a walk down the famous "Petticoat Lane" market which is near my work.

We are off to Butlins at Skegness next weekend.  It should be manic, 8 of us in an 8 berth caravan!  I have heard that some acts from Britain's got talent will be performing, so that should be fun.  I know they have a health spa thing there and hope to get a massage in if I can.  My sister, Chris, is coming with us and she is always good company, it will be nice to share some time with her.  I do miss her at work, it has been a year now since she was made redundant but she is enjoying her retirement more than she thought she would.

Has anyone been to see Mama Mia?  Oh what a fantastic film, I couldn't believe it, I sat with a cheshire cat grin on my face through it all and then at the end everyone in the cinema clapped before they left.  I have never seen that happen before at the cinema, it was as if we had been at a live show.  I plan to buy it on DVD when it comes out and I know it will be a great film for my collection.

Eeek, I lost a very big filling the other week and had to brave going back to the dentist.  Imagine my horror when they knew my name on the reception, this can only mean (a) I must be known well there as the No.1 coward in this village or (b) I must have the worst teeth in this village.  Hmmm, can't think of a (c).  Anyway, I went for the appointment and had it done but managed to escape without having the teeth cleaning done .... I have another appointment on 2nd Sept but may chicken out.  We'll see.

All my dear friends, thanks for being patient until I catch up.  I am so fond of you all.

Hugs, Tells x


Wednesday 18 June 2008

Popping up for air!

Hello everyone and apologies for not making an entry for so long.  I couldn't believe it when I saw my last entry was in April.  I do hope everyone is well.

I seem to have got so embroiled in work and spend a lot of time from home online to work and although I have a little time to comment here and there, so more apologies if I have not been and visited you.

Billy, my yorkie, was very poorly during April.  He woke one day literally seized up and had to have quite a few anti inflamatory injections and pills to get him thru it.  It was quite pitiful as he was crying, couldn't bark and kept falling over.  I was crying too.  I spent three weeks sleeping on the settee downstairs with him and thank goodness he is almost back to normal.  He made my heart stop the other day jumping off the back of the settee (about 3 feet) and landing heavily ... he thinks he is a cat.  Ooooh.

I had a trip to Geneva again the other week with work and stayed in a a beautiful boutique hotel.  Shame I didn't get longer than one night in the 6ft bed!  I must tell you there are a lot of cobbles and hills in Geneva and after walking on them and then standing at a reception type do, my feet felt like they had been put through a mangle!  Heres a link to the hotel I stayed at, it was in the old town of Geneva and its a very hilly area as I said.  It was the first time I had flown from London City Airport and it was all very smooth.  Its a while since I flew on a chartered flight rather than a cheapie, so was thrilled to get given a free roll and drink and then some chocolate to follow on Swissair.

I am at home today because Rosie has to go to hospital this afternoon for that tooth that is growing in a strange position.  We went about 2 years ago but are getting a second opinion because our dentist wants the tooth above out and the orthodontist wants it built up and we are stuck in the middle, so will be getting this expert advice hopefully today.  We are wary of taking it out because previously we were told that the operation could affect her lips because of nerves near the area.  We will see but we are very against an operation inany event.

Rosie has started to learn to play the guitar and has had two lessons now.  She can play some of the chords to wonderwall, few more and I'll be singing along and appearing in Britain's got Talent!

I have managed to get my living room decorated (almost ....) and also some new curtains up, four more poles to go up, watch this space, Paul is being difficult!

As I said, work is crazy and seems to be taking over my life at the moment which isn't really the balance I want.  There are lots of ego's going crazy too and its sooooo nice to be at home today enjoying a bit of a break from it.  I am determined not to go on line and get involved.

Wishing you all well my dear friends.

Hugs, Tells x



Wednesday 9 April 2008

Where the heck has she been?

Ok, its been a while!  I have had the worst lurgy ever and have been feeling rotten for the last 2 weeks.  It all started when I was away in sunny Yarmouth in the freezing cold caravan with 2 inches of snow outside.  I struggled on until the Thursday but by then the children and I had had enough, so we came home and I continued being ill here.  I had all last week off and managed eventually to get a doctor's appointment.  Do you know it really gets me mad that its so difficult to manage to see a doctor .... Anyway, I got my antibiotics and they did help but I am still not right and have lost my wonderful singing voice.  I think Matthew is glad I cannot shout at the moment though!

We did have a nice time in the caravan but it was so cold that Matthew slept in the lounge area every night and Rosie and I huddled together in the bedroom.  I suppose I was living in cloud cuckoo land hoping for good weather in March but I certainly didn't expect the snow.  Rosie enjoyed her 13th birthday though as I booked a cab to take us into town and we had a slap up meal and managed to get her a friends poster in a frame that she has been looking for for a long time and Matthew was very happy as he got a Spurs framed poster too.

I was manic in the caravan telling them to be careful and who caused the most damage?  Yes, me!  I tripped and sent a cup of black coffee all over the yellow cotton curtains in the lounge and for good measure broke the cup at the same time.  So, I had to sponge the curtain off and dry it with the hair drier, you'd never have known I had done it by the time I finished.  Then, the search for the tea cup began.  I spent 4 days scouring Yarmouth, all the department stores, charity shops, anywhere that sold crockery!  Did I find it, no.  I did own up before I left and they were ok about it.  Good job I never told them what I had done to their curtains, eh?

I must mention the medal I won for disco dancing.  We went to the club house on the first night and at that point we had Martin and also Lisa and Daniel with us too (they only stayed for the night).  It was a big hall with loads of tables and a disco playing.  There were about 20 people there, including the bar staff.  It was freezing there too, so we all started dancing and I was then presented with my medal.  I shall always wear it with pride.

We came back to the camp by bus one day and goodness knows why we walked off in the wrong direction.  After about 20 minutes I realised that I didn't recognise anything and when we walked back I realised we had got off at the right place but just walked the wrong way, duh.  Anyway, we then were waiting to cross the road and where the snow had melted there were big puddles and a car went by and literally soaked Matthew from head to foot.  That was it, I nearly fell on the floor laughing and when Rosie heard me she was screaming with laughter too.  A small smile played on Matthew's face, he really took it in good part.  Both Rosie and I actually wet ourselves as we laughed so much and we had to waddle back to the caravan to get showered.  I was laughing even more as I told Rosie that it was all downhill now she was a teenager and we had both done waht old ladies do.

We had some bad news last week when Martin was laid off from Tescos.  They have cut 800 jobs in the local offices and as he was last in on his team, he was first out.  He has some private work he is doing at the moment but I hope he gets something else sorted out soon.  Meanwhile, he will not be bored as he will be doing some decorating here which is well overdue.  I did buy paint about 3 years ago for our living room and it has never been done .... so, off I have gone and bought some more, lets hope it gets on the walls this time.  So, it is operation clear out at the moment in readiness.

Matthew has joined a running club and is really enjoying it.  He is doing it two nights a week and still has lots of energy when he gets home.  He is growing up so quickly and I have just got back from a parents' evening about work experience for him.  It only seems yesterday that he was 8 years old and came to live with me.

I went back to work this week and as usual have an awful backlog of filing etc., but am trying not to get depressed about it and just working my way through.  I thank my lucky stars that I am a well paid filing clerk, tee hee!  It was nice to see my friends again and not so nice to see the ones I don't like there!

Such exciting news though, one of my bosses is taking Rosie and I and my friend, Alex, away to a health spa hotel in May as a treat.  Its called Cowley Manor and is in the Cotswolds.  A bit posher than the caravan, methinks I will have to get myself something nice to wear to dinner and there will be no medals for disco dancing.  Heres the link:

The contemporary country hotel in the Cotswolds

I have never had a beauty treatment in my life and am playing safe and going for a facial.  No waxing for this chick.  I'll let you know how I get on.

Once again I am very behind with all your journals and do apologise but am trying to comment here and there and catch up. 

Hugs to all my friends and wishing you all a very good week.

Saturday 15 March 2008

oooh I have been away a while

Well here I am again, sorry its been so long.  I am now well after one of the worst lurgies I have had for a while.  I have been extremely busy at work, not getting home until late most evenings and working on the computer from home too.  We have been very short at work since one of the secretaries left and I am so glad that her replacement is coming on 31st March.  Hey, she is probably another crazy one but at least we'll have a bum on a seat!

Next week we are off to Yarmouth for our caravan hol.  I am hoping the weather is good.  If its like today, it will be fine, at least its not windy or cold.  We have lots we can do there whatever the weather, there is an indoor swimming pool at the caravan site and we are near to lots of activities in Yarmouth, crazy golf, cinema, funfairs, shops!  I plan to do a lot of sleeping and the children are getting good at sleeping late, so perhaps we will just all sleep all day and night and not move anywhere.

Rosie will be 13 whilst we are away and so we will have a good day celebrating whatever the weather.

I have been out busily buying her a lot of new clothes over the last week or so as she is growing so quickly.  Today if we ever get out, we intend to get her some new trousers.

Matthew has been very busy.  He has joined an athletics club and is out running twice a week, he is due to finish at Scouts this summer, so he'll be kept busy in any event.  He had a trip to Devon last weekend to camp and meet up with his old Scout leader, who was a very kind man and we miss him very much.  It will probably be the last time Matthew ever sees him.  He came back exhausted late last Sunday night and we had to quickly repack as he had a woodland survival course with his school the next day for 2 days in Derbyshire!  Just about keeping up with the blimming washing here for him.  He continues to grow at the rate of knots and is now 6ft with size 11 shoes, arghhh, he is not 15 until the end of August.

Martin celebrated his 29th birthday last week and Rosie made him a lovely cake!  She coloured the sponge blue and it looked rather strange but she has a light touch and it tasted divine.

I am very behind with commenting and now have 781 messages to look at, please bear with me whilst I try to catch up, hmmmm!

Heres a picture of my little great great niece, Mia, aw she is so cute.


Hugs to you all until next time, Tells x