Well here I am again. Another Saturday and its the wedding today of Roseanne and Glenn. The sun is shining and I hope that it stays like this, yesterday was so blimming miserable with really heavy rain and I was worried that it would be like that today. The wedding is at 3.30, so we have lots of time to get ready, I can't stand those weddings that start early. It will probably still be a mad rush for us to get there on time though. I got myself a new lippy yesterday, so at least my lips will look stunning! I had a bit of a disastrous haircut this week, why is it they never do it like you want it done. I am sure it looks nothing like the picture I took in ... oh well, lets see what me and my blowdryer can do later. I have a lovely new top from M&S to wear, its cream and sleeveless and got all little shelly things around the neckline. Oh, I hope no-one else is wearing the same, thats the only trouble with getting things from M&S. I'll just have to keep my jacket on if I see someone else with it on!
I like Saturday mornings. Its one of the only times Paul and I can sit quiet and have a chat. Kids are still asleep, lazy so and so's. Sometimes if we leave them we can get a bit of peace until about 11. Rosie never stops talking from the minute she gets up. Matthew is a bit like Kevin first thing, so at least he is quiet, ha ha.
I had a half day off yesterday afternoon. Got home and had a really good tidy up and am now sitting wondering why it is a mess again? It looks like I did nothing. I can't believe how this house is such a tip all the tip, whatever I do. Its just like groundhog day.
Got the telly on and its Colin Fry with Sixth Sense. Paul says he doesn't believe it any of it but he always puts it on (for me??). I love those programmes but not that keen on Colin Fry, I like the big blonde chap he gets on there at times. He seems more genuine. Can't stand that Derek Ancorah, with his oooohing and ahhhhing. John Edward is pretty cool, I don't care really what he says but he has lovely lips. I have always had an interest in this but although I hope there is something afterwards, I have not yet had proof. I remember after my mum died I thought I would like to try to have a reading and decided to go to Belgrave Square in London at the Spriritualist Association or whatever its called. I was not impressed with what I was told and so I decided that it was because I didn't really believe, so made my sister Chris come up there with me to get her read. Poor Chris. Anyway, she didn't get anything great either, so since then I have left that alone. My niece is supposed to be psychic (can't spell it) and she also reads the tarot cards but there is no point her doing me, she knows everything about me. In the quest of trying to get some news of loved ones, Carolyne, Chris and I have gone to the spiritualist church locally a few times and Chris has been quite miffed when both Carolyne and I have been told we are pychic especially when I am such a sceptic. So, even though I am supposed to have this talent, I have never had any psyhcic experience whatsoever although I do live in hope! I'd be interested to hear of anyone elses experiences.
Have a great weekend everyone.
I love the sixth sense and I do believe in it too,maybe its just what we need in these troubled days,hugs xxzoexx
hi Terry...
i believe there is something in this psychic thing too!I like Colin Fry, hav'nt seen him for a long while, he is good!
((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))))))Hi there,just came accross your journal,intresting.I am a little,whats the word,I am looking for,not scared,but,another word,that I dont bother with thoes things.But we all have our own opion.Hope I didnt offend you.Have a nice day.
Hi Terry,
Thanks for your comment on my Journal.
I think you and I have the same feelings about Spirits. We would like to believe in them but we are waiting for some real proof. Mike and I went to a Spiritualist Church the other week, with some close friends who are believers. I was disapointed that all the 'Messages' were a bit airy fairy. But I did enjoy it, so may go again.
My mother used to get a psychic sense when someone fairly close to her was going to die. She would keep talking about it, and then a person would die and she would say that is who it was. I was fascinated, and noticed that I had dreams that seemed to be psychic, so I used to tell them to my sisters or someone all the time so they could bear witness if they came true in any way. I would also get the same feelings my mother did that someone was going to die. I would keep casting around in my mind trying to get who it was. This info would often come in a dream. But then my youngest sister came along who has proved to be the most psychic of all. She became a medium at a local spiritalist church, and she dreams nightly the most amazing dreams. Gerry
Hi Terry - i like all things spooky :o) and i do believe there is another world that we go on to. I've had a couple of readings with mediums, all of which have been amazing. I think that like all things in life some mediums are good at their jobs and some not so good, so don't dismiss it out of hand. I think if you went to a medium who has a good reputation you will be amazed.
Jayne :o)
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