Sunday, 15 October 2006

Mummy at school

Heres a picture of mum, standing three rows back, she is third from the left with the lovely patterned dress with lace in a v neck collar.

I tried to post this on the last entry but I just couldn't control it.  Thanks Linda for the new advice, it seems I am not that great at controlling anything here at the mo!!  I feel really thick.  Trying to put this one on and it just goes in a separate window and I can't get hold of the corners.  I thought it was because the last entry was too large that it went in the separate window, but here it is doing it again, so I am just going to do this as an add picture although it is harder to see. 






Anonymous said...

Was able to see the other one better ,was your Mum the one with her arms folded ?,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Not to worry, we all have to learn how to do it sometime. I'm lucky in that I have learnt a lot in lessons at school.I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.

Perhaps someone else can suggest another way of getting the pictures smaller.

Linda x.

Anonymous said...

you will get the hang of reducing picture size, it took me ages to learn a great pic...


Anonymous said...

Hi Terry ..... what a fabulous picture, notice all the 'pudding bowl fringes' excellent.
Jayne :o)