Tuesday, 31 October 2006

My dog, Billy

My little yorkie has a runny nose and is sneezing and snuffling.  He sometimes makes little snorting noises anyway but this time he seems like he has a full on cold, I am so worried.  It started Monday but seemed a lot worse when I got home from work last night.  Paul is taking him to the vet for me as I have to go to work today.  He is walking about ok and going out as normal and doing his business and eating his favourite treats.  Please keep your fingers crossed this is nothing too serious as he is 10 years old and my baby.

Terry x


Anonymous said...

Poor Billy, it's horrible when pets are unwell, they can't tell you how you how they are feeling. I hope it's just something minor. My step-daughter's Yorkie is 19 years old. His sister died four years ago and we thought he would probably pine away after she went but no, he's still going strong, albeit somewhat senile now. So hopefully Billy will still be your baby for lots more years to come.


Anonymous said...

Terry I do hope your little Yorkie will be OK ~ my little Yorkie lived for nearly 17 years ~ let us know what the Vet says ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

hope all is ok with your dog


Anonymous said...

Hello Terry - Hello Billy, how are you feeling today Billy, how was your visit to the Vet's?  Maybe its just a suffly thing he's got going on Or maybe its an allergy as you say he is still eating well -  the Vet will be able to give him some medicine to make him better i'm sure.     I had a black labrador 'Tom', he was my substitute child!  They mean everything to us don't they - hope Billy soon feels much better.
Luv Jayne x  

Anonymous said...

Hi  Terry,
I have a Yorkie too and he makes snorting noises all the time too!! Sorry your billy seems to have a cold..hope he is okay... check out my Journal there is a pic of my dog on there on Mondays entry.....take care..

Anonymous said...

hello terry,
hope all well with billy at the vets
snuggle him in a blanket when he gets home
lucy x

Anonymous said...

I hope your little one is ok.  It is such a worry when they're not well.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

My thoughts are with you and your little fella, hope the visit to the vets is okay for the little man. Sam is our baby and we worry if he just has bad dreams.....he had gastroenteritis a short while ago, that was very worrying. Fingers, arms and legs are all crossed my friend.

Anonymous said...

Hi Terry, I do hope Billy will be OK  soon ,.,.Jan xx

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))Glad He is ok.