Well, after a lot of fiddling and carrying on, I have managed to scan a few photos in. Here is the one I referred to in part 2 of mum's memoirs. Mum and her parents are on the far right. I have searched the house for this and it was in my little girl's photo album .... argh!
Hope you find it as interesting as I do. As I said before, I thought she was at a wedding. She is on the far right, leaning on her mother's knee. Her mother doesn't look that thrilled either. Her father is standing behind her mother. Its all as she says, hair curled and looking a bit miserable. Ahhh.
Oh Terry, its a beautiful photo....... i am captivated by everyones hair style and how immaculate looking they all are......Excellent, that photo should be framed and on your wall :o)
Luv Jayne x
What an amazing picture Terry ,look at the character in some of these faces ,I would still say this was a wedding picture,like Jane I'd frame this one its fantastic ,have you got more ?,.,Jan xx
no one looks too happy lol i love the old time pictures cause no one smiled wonder why? have a good weekend
that is a wonderful picture, i love old pics...
That's certainly a wedding photo, perhaps your mother mixed up two events in her memories.
Your grandmother looks very elegant but I find it amusing that some of the women seem to be wearing their pinnies. I suppose that was traditional dress for their age.
That is a beautiful old Photograph ~ Ally
Wow, that is so cool, I love old photos!!
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