Tuesday, 7 November 2006

the drunken secretary

Well, heres an update on the drunken secretary.

God, I must have sounded really bitchy in my entry about her but I must be honest, I couldn't wait to get into work on Monday to see what would be occurring!

So, I mosied in on time at 9.15 and she was already there sitting at her desk.  As soon as the rest of my little group were in she approached us.  We were shocked to the core when she apologised to us all for letting us down and just kept saying, sorry, sorry.  Despite her previous horrid ways, I felt sorry for her.  It took her a lot to do that I know, especially in view of her previous behaviour to some of the girls in my group.  She obviously had had a terrible weekend, worrying about what would happen because it is a sackable offence.  Shes lucky really that we are all nicer than she is because none of us would split on her to the group manager, who was away on Friday.  I still can't believe she was so stupid to do that.  I think she has smoothed it over with her boss too but has ruined her credibility. 

Today was lovely.  My boss had a broken engagement last year.  It was very sudden just a few months before she was due to get married.  It was really out of the blue but consequently she found out that there were a lot of issues going on with him and he did her the biggest favour.  We were all so upset with her at the time because it was such a shock the way it ended.  Anyway, she went on a dating website, one of those where your friends write your profile for you and she has found the loveliest of chaps.  I think he was the only one she ever met up with.  Today 6 red balloons saying "I love you" and a wonderful bouquet of  flowers arrived for her, marking their 6 month anniversary.  Ahhh.   I had to go to reception to collect them because she was out when they arrived.  I must say I felt pretty damm special carrying the "I love you" balloons and flowers back downstairs, people in the lift that didn't know me, giving me curious looks that I was so loved carrying all this booty.  I told those that knew me that I had a secret admirer, so I enjoyed the moment too.  I am hoping that her new chap will propose soon!  It all looks very promising.  She is the nicest of persons and I really like her.

Just to let you know that Billy is doing well.  He went back to the Vet today and they sayto call on Friday to let them know how he is doing.  I felt a right twerp phoning them yesterday, as they had asked us to do last week as the receptionist didn't seem that interested and didn't appear to be making notes.  Perhaps I should make it more interesting when I call on Friday.  He is still doing little snuffles but nothing as bad as this time last week. 

Catch you later.

Terry x


Anonymous said...

It does take a lot to apologise and admit that you are in the wrong so well done her.  How nice for your boss. Glad that Billy is doing well.


Anonymous said...

pleased Billy is getting better...have a good week


Anonymous said...

O bless his little cottton socks, hope his nose is soon fully recovered.

As for the drunken woman, perhaps her mistake will make her a nicer person, now she knows she is not  so wonderful.

Linda x.


Anonymous said...

That would take some doing, apologising like that ,maybe shes not so bad after all ,The red balloons, how romantic ,.,.,love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you love your pets as much as I do!  My kitty was missing for five days, went to call in my terrier and my chihuahua and heard her meowing next door.  ANYHOW if you visit my J you can read all about my capers... lol  

Anonymous said...

Hello Terry -   What a lovely entry, i had a bit of a boo and hiss at the drunken secretary!!   isn't it funny how us girlies never 'dob' these badies in, i hope she is suitably humbled by all the 'niceness' shown to her.      The 'i love you balloons' brought a little tear to my eye - i am so gooey!
Luv Jayne x

Anonymous said...

It does sound like you had a good day ! Doesn't it make you feel good too when someone you know is happy !  I'm glad the 'drunken one ' apologized, maybe she'll be a little nicer all the way round now.  Thank the dear Lord, your Billy is doing better.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

have a good week:)


Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))I am glad everything is going good for you.Have a nice night.

Anonymous said...

glad everything is going well for you.  Aww roses and balloons that is so sweet.  I bet she was very surprised.  he sounds like a great guy.


Anonymous said...

Sounds as if the drunken secretary ate a lot of humble pie! Maybe if she'd eaten some before her binge, she wouldn't have got so drunk!
Love Phoenix

Anonymous said...

  Thank you for visiting my page, i thought i would re-pay the compliment and am glad i did, an interesting read, drunken secretarys,love and balloons oh and sorry to hear about your poorly dog too, i hope he is on the mend now? I too read autobiographys and have just read one called "married by force" it was very good and i can recomend it. best wishes Nicky xxxx

Anonymous said...

Wow... interesting story... glad to hear Billy is doing better. Lisa

Anonymous said...

im glad to see billy is doing better hun,have a good weekend zoe xxxx