Sunday, 23 December 2007

Am I crazy!!!

Just thought I'd put an entry in as I happen to be up, yes, since blimming 3.30 am.  I must be excited about Santa coming, ha ha.

Here are some photos of our visit to TJI Fridays with the family yesterday.  These are all my dear sister's children together plus her little grand daughter, Cheyanne, who she never saw.  We let some balloons off outside in her honour when we had finished and left to go home.  It was a really lovely afternoon and I think we'll probably do this again next year.



Ok, off to do some jobs as I am off to work in an hour or so.  Once again, I wish you all a really lovely Christmas and wishing hard here for good times for all.

Hugs and love, Tells x

Saturday, 22 December 2007

Well hello there!


Well here I am again.  I can't believe how long ago it was I made an entry! 

Thank you for your Christmas cards and ooooh Wendy, you made my day with your little parcel, thank you so much.  Its on my tree as we speak and I will post a photo on here soon of it.

Auntie Midge's funeral seems a long time ago now.  It was a very strange affair really.  Midge was very upset years ago when her sister converted into being a Jehovas witness after she emigrated to Australia.  Midge was a very forthright lady and made no secret of her views on anything.  When her sister visited, Midge was very rude about her meeting up with her church friends etc.  So, we were very surprised and a bit shocked that she had a Mormon funeral - I think Paul's brother must have converted and as he arranged the funeral, that is what it was.  I could imagine her spluttering in her coffin at not having had a Christian service but hey, Paul's brother ran the show!  We also found out that we were not being spoken to by one of Paul's cousins and her daughter .... well what a fun day it was, I can tell you!  Paul's cousin's sister died about 10 years ago and left a young son, Jake, aged 7.  She had remarried and had been with her new husband, Graham, for about 2 years by then.  This sister of Paul's cousin and her daughter have decided not to talk to us because we remained close friends with Graham after Jackie died and tried to support him as best we could.  Her sister's husband would not have the little boy stay or anything as he was a miserable old so and so.  That is why Jake was left in Graham's care.  Graham went through a lot, with the support of his lovely family, to bring up Jake and give him a good life.  I could personally never understand why her sister did not devote more time and effort to Jake.  Anyway, we kept close friends with Graham and when Jake was 15 Graham met a new lady and decided to marry her.  That is when things went badly wrong.  This was when Jake decided he did not like her (a bit of jealousy, I think) and this is when the daughter of Paul's cousin started to say to Jake that he could move in with her (this did not happen but thoroughly unsettled Jake).  The upshot was that the week before the wedding Jake signed himself into care and walked away from Graham.  This was at about the time when the children came to live with us.  What is funny is that I saw Paul's cousin about a year ago and she was very pleasant and all of a sudden we are not popular apparently because we went to Graham's wedding .  I feel very hurt because I was always so supportive with her and her family.  I was so fond of her mother and her sister and spent a lot of time with them in their times of need.  But I suppose there is no reasoning, eh?  It was a very strange day altogether.  Lots of other things happened that day but I can't go on all day about them.

I have been busy (hmm, on my broomstick).  The filing clerk at work is no more ... hoooray!  We are better off without her and I hope she has a merry Christmas too, baaah humbug.  I have to work on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve just for half a day, which is a pain because my main station is closed, so I have to get off the train halfway up and then go on the underground ... hmmm.  I have to go though as it is really my turn to go in.

The children are getting very excited about Christmas especially now that they have broken up from school.  As usual, I have spent far more than I should have done on them ... I realise this as I am wrapping things up.  Luckily I save every month into a Christmas Club, so this makes Christmas easier.  We have Lisa (one of the twins) and her boyfriend coming for Christmas Dinner and also Keith, who is Martin's dad.  Paul has already given me the speech about how many people we can cram into this little house .... yes, they are all staying!!!

Tomorrow I make the bigos.  Yes, every Christmas I keep up the tradition of making this Polish Hunter's Stew.  Paul is my main peeler and chopper!  Here is a recipe I got off the net (there are so many variations) if you are interested!  Christmas is not the same unless the house smells of bigos!  I add all different meats to mine, including pork and beef.  I also add tomato sauce, carrots, cooking apples etc etc.  I intend making a couple of big pots, so you can imagine this is not a cheap dish to make.  I must say that it also gives you really good clear out, better than colonic irrigation. all that sauerkraut, hey!  This dish is so good, even the Engish like it, my old neighbour drives here every Christmas Eve to pick up her portion, tee hee!!  Martin gets territorial about it and glares at everyone who has a portion, ahhh.  I am also being taken out to lunch tomorrow by Martin.  Just the family, which will be lovely.


50g butter
2 onions, peeled and chopped
1 jar sauerkraut
1 can tomatoes, peeled
1 small white cabbage
300 ml strong beef stock
250g smoked sausage
5 to 6 pork ribs
salt and pepper

Melt butter in a saucepan and fry the onions until golden. Rinse the sauerkraut in cold water, drain thoroughly and mix with the onions. Add the tomatoes. Chop the cabbage finely and mix in. Add the stock, stirring well, and then the pork ribs. Slice the sausage and add into the stew. Allow to simmer on low heat for one hour. Season to taste. Remove from heat and leave covered for 24 hours. Refrigerate and reheat before serving. Serves 8.
Note: If you prefer the dish to be more sour, add more sauerkraut

I went to my friend at work's wedding in Darlington recently.  It was so lovely to be there with her for her day.  The wedding was held at Guisborough Hall, which was a wonderful place and very atmospheric.  Here are a couple of photos from the weekend.  You'll see that Rosie is standing by a really old fashioned coach.  These were used to take us from Guisborough Hall to the Church (took about an hour) and was great fun.  We had a wonderful day and it was a great wedding.  It was nice to have a lot of friends there too.  I won't even tell you about the journey home though, suffice to say that I will travel lighter next time.

Well dear friends, I am sorry I am so far behind with everything.  I have 691 alerts showing up.  I have got to tell you all that I do appreciate your friendship and do so enjoy each and every one of you all as well.  I wish each all of you the best of times this Christmas and send all my wishes for a healthy and happy new year.  PS:  If him upstairs is listening, please give my friend L-J a break will ya? 

What a rambling entry this is ...

Hugs, Tells x


Tuesday, 20 November 2007

This and that

Well, here I am, sorry for the absence again but have been running round in my usual headless chicken style.

We are off today to Auntie Midge's funeral in Margate.  She is Paul's mum's sister.  We lost Paul's mum at the age of 53, so young.  Midge was a very forthright lady.  Stood about 5ft 4ins tall and quite pretty.  She was single for many years and then married a Polish man, John.  He was a great fellow, of course we had a lot in common with me being Polish as well.  Midge liked the Polish slant and used to speak in Polish, well sort of a Polish to English people!!  John unfortunately died after they had been married for about 10 years and Midge really found it hard to adjust without him.  She eventually moved to Harlow as she had a cousin living nearby but with Midge's nature they had a big falling out and never spoke again.  When Paul's brother remarried he got very close to Midge and encouraged her to sell her house and give him £100,000 to put into a bed and breakfast venture he was starting in Margate.  We all tried to talk to her about it but she was having none of it.  She was lonely and couldn't wait to live with her favourite nephew.  Well, within a year she had been committed by him to a mental health unit!  She had thought she was going into respite care whilst they went away on holiday.  She never returned to the bed and breakfast, which I believe was sold because it wasn't making any money.  She then went into an old folks' home and passed away peacefully after morning tea the other week.  God knows, its going to be difficult to see Paul's brother today if he is there, Paul hasn't got a lot of time for him anyway and I hope he doesn't end up punching him on the nose.

Matthew went away to a scout camp this weekend, it was nice because one of his original leaders was there with his troop.  He moved to Cornwall the other year and I know Matthew was really pleased to see him again as he was so kind to him when he joined up and very understanding of his special needs.  I am not too sure that the leaders now appreciate that Matthew has no regard for personal safety, especially when he came home the other week after going to Scouts and they had been running around the field next to the scout hut and he tore his legs to shreds on the brambles!  It was terrible on this camp because one of the girls in his troop broke her leg ..... that could so easily have been Matthew with his gung ho style.  Matthew finishes at Scouts this year because he is too old.  I don't think he'll be going to Explorers though.  I am looking into getting him into a running club, that boy can run like a gazelle and I am sure he'd really do well.  He goes out jogging with Martin and Martin is amazed at his energy. Matthew now aged 14 and 3 months is 5ft 11ins with a size blimming 10 shoe!

Rosie is doing fine.  We met up with her older sisters this weekend and had a lovely time going round all the charity shops and having a slap up lunch.  I got Rosie an Adrian Mole book and she is really enjoying reading it. 

We took Rosie to see an ELO tribute band on Friday night.  Oooh was she bored ... I must admit that although the sound was good, the lead singer was like an old bloke you'd see strutting around at a disco ... he really got on my nerves.

On Saturday we also went to our local theatre and saw a play called "Communicating Doors".  It was really funny, it was about a hotel room with a cupboard, which people went into and went backwards and forwards in time and all their lives were interconnected.  It was a scream and I thoroughly recommend it if you see it playing anywhere.

My new filing clerk is a great disappointment.  I knew within 2 days but they say that I have to give her a chance ....  what??? Anyway, apparently I have to give them specifics, so am making up a daily list.  Its so frustrating and such a waste of my valuable time with her but if thats what I have to do .. She is a lovely lady but I might as well just do everything myself.

Tomorrow night we are having a get together for my 30 years at the firm.  I am sharing the occasion with my dear friend and boss who is getting married in 3 weeks time.  Its just our department and is going to be in the local Slug and Lettuce.  The partners in my group are paying for it as the firm was too stingy do do anything to mark the momentous occasion!  I really like the people I work with and only hoping the fee earners will stop fee earning and get there at a reasonable time.  Last year, when we had our Christmas dinner evening, we secretaries sat and waited and waited and got more and more merry until they eventually arrived at 8.30 pm when we were supposed to eat at 7pm!  I shall pace myself tomorrow night as I haven't done a lot of drinking since then!

I can't believe that Christmas is so close ... hmmm, got a couple of scarves for the twins on Saturday and have bought a few books for Rosie but that is it so far.  Perhaps I'll get a move on this weekend.

Next weekend will be a busy one.  I am planning to go to Walthamstow market.  Its a wonderful street market in East London, about 2 miles long and full of stalls selling this, that and the other.  Its a wonderful ethnic mix too.  It is also full of charity shops, lots of new books for me, ooooh.  The fruit stalls are to die for and plenty of bargains to be had.  They have a Pie and Mash shop, which we will be visiting too. 

I am still dreaming about a caravan but no luck with the lottery tickets yet.  I would like a lovely caravan and they cost so much and then with site fees etc., I think its beyond my financial limits until I do win the lottery.  Paul is fed up with me going on about it, so keeping quieter about it until I win the lottery, ha!

Rosie has a new bed coming this weekend.  She has been sleeping in my old one!  My old one is now 32 years old, can you believe.  I remember going with my mum up to Angel Road in Edmonton to a big warehouse to get it and choosing very carefully a nice big single bed with a very comfortable mattress.  I have loved it ever since.  I used to go and sleep in it if I was ill and didn't want to disturb Paul with my coughing, I would banish him there if he was ill too.  Everyone has slept in that bed, my dear sisters Andrea and Barb, my mum, Uncle Bob, Auntie Midge, Paul's sister, Pat, all my students who used to stay with us, the Queen (only joking) and many others until Rosie came to live here.  It has certainly had plenty of use and I am very sad to see it go but the mattress has had it and also the base unit is very sad.  End of an era.  I may cry as it is taken out.  Farewell my dear old bed, happy memories.

Oh well, wittering on now.  I shall bid adieu and catch up with you again soon.  Very behind on my alerts again but will get there in the end.

Hugs to you all.

Terry x

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Reposting as I think AOL was playing up

I have been reading a journal that has really touched and humbled me.  Heres the link, go along and encourage this wonderful woman.  I have read it from the beginning and have started commenting.  If ever I moan about anything mundane, please slap me! 

Things here all calm and quiet!  It seems though that things are livening up and there is trouble coming at work, I can feel it in my bones and by the very atmosphere of the place.  I fear my new colleague will be leaving and it will cause us chaos but hey, its only a little thing in the grand scheme of life.  I shall keep you posted.

Martin started his new job on Monday and says he feels like he has gone home.  I really hope this works out for him as I know he has been so bored at home and needs to work to get his finances sorted out.

The children are back at school now after half term and we are all feeling pretty tired.  Not long though and it will be the Christmas hols and the merry go round of finding all the presents.  I just can't believe how quickly the year goes by.

I have just read the book "Abandoned" by Anya Peters.  She wrote an online blog whilst homeless.  This girl had a cruel, abusive and loveless childhood, I had to keep closing the book and it took me a while to get through it.  Heres an adddress for her journal, its

Well, on that cheerful note off I go!

Hugs, Tells xx


Tuesday, 6 November 2007


I have been reading a journal that has really touched and humbled me.  Heres the link, go along and encourage this wonderful woman.  I have read it from the beginning and have started commenting.  If ever I moan about anything mundane, please slap me! 

Things here all calm and quiet!  It seems though that things are livening up and there is trouble coming at work, I can feel it in my bones and by the very atmosphere of the place.  I fear my new colleague will be leaving and it will cause us chaos but hey, its only a little thing in the grand scheme of life.  I shall keep you posted.

Martin started his new job on Monday and says he feels like he has gone home.  I really hope this works out for him as I know he has been so bored at home and needs to work to get his finances sorted out.

The children are back at school now after half term and we are all feeling pretty tired.  Not long though and it will be the Christmas hols and the merry go round of finding all the presents.  I just can't believe how quickly the year goes by.

I have just read the book "Abandoned" by Anya Peters.  She wrote an online blog whilst homeless.  This girl had a cruel, abusive and loveless childhood, I had to keep closing the book and it took me a while to get through it.  Heres the link to her blog

Well, on that cheerful note off I go!

Hugs, Tells xx



Sunday, 28 October 2007

Kicking up the leaves


We had a nice time this week.  I decided to take Rosie to Hampton Court Palace in Surrey on Friday.  Matthew didn't fancy going round a historic palace, so he stayed at home with Martin.  It was quite a long journey from here as Paul wasn't keen that I should drive, hmmm.  It took about 2 hours by train and tube but we eventually made it there.  Words cannot describe the wonderful aura of the place and knowing we were walking down corridors that Henry XIII had actually walked down with his entourage was mind blowing.  Hampton Court has a very famous maze but we were very disappointed with it as it was rather small.  The photos above were taken in the wonderful grounds and we had a lot of fun messing around with the leaves!  It was a thoroughly enjoyable day but so tiring.  I thought I was going to drop off on the way home on the train, so best I didn't drive.  Rosie was complaining at how worn out she was and I pointed out to her that I had 40 years on her and to imagine how I was feeling.  I think you need to spend a couple of days at this wonderful palace to see everything.  Rosie was enthralled and kept asking, do you think the King touched this door, etc, etc.  She loves history and makes me realise how uneducated I am!  Perhaps I may learn something through her now.   We sat near the fountain and had a chat about how Queen Victoria opened this Palace to the public and there were photos around of the visitors at that time.  We discussed how we would be long gone and that the public would still visit the Palace ... quite a weird feeling but hey, thats history!

I feel I should get a blimming medal for the ironing I have done today, just thought I'd mention it.

At work things seems to have improved.  My new colleague came back during the week and has seemed to get to grips with not only her illness but also with her heart.  One of our chaps left on Wednesday and after I had finished my overtime I took her down to the bar and got the dj to play "Things can only get better" and he started his smoke machine and I got her to bop around.  She did smile and I think she is well on the mend now.  They have had a major swap around with who works for who (not me, ha ha) and hopefully all will be happier for everyone.  Joy of joy, we have our new filing clerk starting on Tuesday ... I sat in with the interviews and she appears to be a really nice lady, who has been looking for a job for a while.  I know she will be very excited and I am pleased for her.

I must tell you about one of the interviews I sat in on.  As soon as I entered the room my eyes were drawn to it.  What could it have been???  I have never seen such a lot of green on anyone's nose bits on their glasses before!  It was a vivid green and I just could not take my eyes off it.  Maybe she was so shortsighted that she couldn't see the green on her glasses when she put them on.  Made me feel rather queezy and put me right off.  Moral of the story, if you are going on an interview get your greens sorted! Oooh.

Hey, the sun hasn't come out but Martin has just gone in the kitchen and says he will make the dinner.  Oh yes!  I am now going to sit down and read my book and be a lady of leisure.

Hugs to all.

Tells x



Sunday, 21 October 2007

Here I am!

Hmmm, I have been so busy lately I just can't keep up, at the moment looking at 835 alerts and so am slow on commenting!

All is ok here but since I was ill I have been running around catching my tail.  I also got it into my head that I'd maybe like to get a caravan for us for our hols.  There was an absolute bargain - or so I was told - that got my juices going and I was bitterly disappointed when I saw it and it was really awful.  I drove the length and breadth of Essex a couple of Saturdays ago looking at caravans and caravan sites.  Since then, I have also been scouring adverts and realise that I probably can't afford one anyway which is sad.  I had visions of a little home from home that I could disappear to.  Some of them are on sites that cost over £3,000 site fees a year.  I just don't know how people can afford that plus the council tax, insurance etc.  So, at the moment although I am enjoying looking I know I can't touch!   We'll just have to rent a caravan again next time. 

Work has been manic.  The new lady who joined us is having terrible problems as she has just split up from her partner, who she was looking forward to retiring with next year.  She has also got the virus I had and collapsed in tears last week and couldn't cope with all the pressure.  Luckily her doctor has given her 2 weeks off and I hope she'll be able to get herself calmer and make some decisions about her future with the space away from work.  However, this leaves us all in the pooh as we have to cover her job, which she was quite behind on too.  One of her bosses is leaving  and her room needs sorting, files putting away etc.  Oh well!  I went into work yesterday and did 10 hrs overtime clearing it but still a lot to do but can't bear the thought of going in today while the sun is shining.  Also, I have tomorrow off with the children as its half term, so my poor friends have to cover me too.

I am a great great auntie.  Mia was born this week but I am not sure if I can get a photo on.  My great niece had to have a caesarian in the end and we are looking forward to meeting the newest member of our family tomorrow when she gets home.  She was born the same day as Connie's little grandson, Milo, ahhhhh.

Martin starts back at Tescos on Nov 5th.  I hope it works out for him.  He didn't go back to the other job .... he hatedit there.  He was supposed to get up and do a car boot today to get rid of some of his stuff but hmmm its nearly quarter to two and he is still asleep.  Rosie and I were up with the lark and I was sad to just miss a bargain bike up the car boot by half an hour!  I have decided that I need some exercise, so my next project now that the caravan buying has come to an abrupt end is that I will get myself a bike.  I will leave no stone unturned until I get myself back on wheels.  I can see myself sylph like already.

Meanwhile, most exciting event of the weekend is that I have got a new iron.  I have just had a quick go but am not that impressed, the ironing is no more fun with it! 

So, dear friends wishing you all a lovely sunny Sunday as it is here!

Hugs, Tells x


Saturday, 22 September 2007

Getting overthe lurgy

Hello, I am back!  I have not been well at all over the last week or so and had to go to the doctor the other day and luckily after having some antibiotics, I now feel like myself again.  We have all been ill except Matthew ....

I am sooooo far behind at work, having had a lot of time off in August and now having only done a few days in September.  Goodness knows how I'll ever catch up but hey, I will have fun trying.

Had a busy morning tidying up because Lisa, my niece, is coming down for the afternoon.  I know she is hoping to go bowling but I don't think Rosie or I are up to that yet.  Oh well, we'll see.

Martin is not that happy with his new job and I hope that he'll start looking around for something else.  He took that one quite quickly and apart from the long journey he has, it sounds as if he works with some really rude people.  You'd think with all the employment laws and man management courses things would be different but it seems its the norm for the management there to go round shouting.  Hmmm.

Matthew and Rosie are doing fine.  Both back at school now and busy with homework etc.  Matthew has quite a lot coming up with Scouts.  I got a letter from the Scouts the other day for a trip next year to Scotland for 10 days - only £450!  I don't know if we'll let him go or not.  We have booked a beach house at Caister for a week at the end of August next year.  We came across it this year when we were at Hemsby.  Its an old fisherman's cottage with a balcony looking over the dunes to the sea.  Luckily the owners were about and gave us a tour, I am really looking forward to a quiet break there.  Paul will be coming with us - he can't stand holiday camps - and I hope he may get a bit of fishing in.

He is very down at the moment because his shop made a loss this year.  Its really difficult because a lot of people also use the internet to buy plumbing supplies now and he just can't compete.

Anyway, hope you are all ok.  I am still trying to catch up with alerts - only 255 to go. 

Hugs, Terry x


Sunday, 2 September 2007

Back from holiday

Here I am on a lovely and sunny Sunday and back from my hols.  No, I am not even going to mention the washing today, tee hee. 

We had a wonderful time on this break away to Hemsby in Norfolk.  It didn't start so well well I picked up the keys to our apartment (or compartment as Matthew kept calling it).  When I opened the door it stank of damp.  Even worse, there was no carpet on the floor just filthy looking floorboards and when I went into the bedrooms it had black patches on the wall and when I touched the walls they felt wet.  I couldn't believe it.  I went stomping back to the reception and asked to see the manager.  She told me that there was nothing else!  What, I had driven 3 and a half hours and I felt myself getting very angry.  Eventually, after half an hour, she came up with another apartment and thankfully this one was perfect.  I intend to write to them and make a complaint.  It completely ruined the beginning of the holiday.  I was just so glad my sister wasn't with us as she joined us on Sunday.  Our car was already packed out ... imagine if she had been dropped with all her stuff and was waiting for us and then we had to drive home ... Ooooh.

We had a very busy time, visiting lots of beaches and lots of fun fairs.  We even managed to find a car boot.  The only day that was miserable was Friday and then we amused ourselves by going round a caravan park and looking at the ones for sale.  I would like to buy one but I know I'd never have time to go there and also the drive would be too much.

Chris was wonderful company and it was nice for her as she finished work on Friday and it took her mind off it all.  She ended up quite happy with her package from work and I think in a way it is relief for her not to have to get up early in the morning and struggle with the blimming trains any more.

I won the bingo twice, almost £85, which we shared and it paid for a lot of treats.

Matthew was hard work at times and didn't want to smile for the camera much, hmmmmm, age related or what?  He was 14 on Friday and you can see his little cake. 

I haven't got much time to write much today as so much to do but thought I'd share some photos with you.  I have 665 alerts, eeek.  I promise I will catch up with all soon.

Hugs and kisses to you all.

Tells x

Friday, 17 August 2007

Back from hols

Well here I am on a wet Saturday morning.  Everyone in the house is asleep, apart from myself and Billy the dog.  We have just returned from his morning constitutional.

Paul was not impressed at all with his helicopter lesson as a birthday present, in fact he told me it was about the worst thing I could have got him for the fear factor.  Despite all this, he agreed to do it but I must say I felt really deflated after all the excitement of booking it and thinking he would love it.  He did enjoy it but it will be the last time I try to surprise him.  Hmmmm

The kids on the other hand were thrilled to hear that we were off to the seaside and would be staying in a caravan.  We had a great time down in Walton on the Naze and also visited Clacton a couple of times so they could ride on the fairground there and go to the beach too.  I really liked Clacton town as it had loads of charity shops, so I took an hour or so looking round and getting lots of new books.  I am also lucky that I go brown very quickly without sunbathing and everyone at work thought I had been abroad when I got back in on Wednesday this week.

Work has been hectic especially because I am taking so much leave at the moment and trying to catch my tail every time I go in.  Next week I only work three days and then am off until the 6th of September when the children go back to school.

My sister, Chris, leaves my firm this coming Friday.  In the end her redundancy package is not bad but not as good as we had hoped.  She is thinking of perhaps doing some home typing if she can get it as she thinks she'll get terribly bored at home after working all this time.  She is also trying to negotiate some more health cover with our firm which will at least last until next year when she should have retired because she is still under the care of her cancer specialist and needs at least one more mamogram with him.  I think she will probably be able to see him on the NHS but will not have the luxury of appointments as and when it suits her. 

She is coming to Hemsby with us next week but will be joining us on the Sunday after spending a few days in a hotel in a nearby seaside resort with her husband.  They could come and stay at Pontins with us as I have enough room but I don't think her husband likes Pontins that much and it will be nice for her to have a few days with him before she is away for the week.  I have barely finished doing the washing from our last trip and unpacking the bags ... I think that is the worst thing about holidays the blimming washing and ironing before you go and then having to do such a big pile when you get back again.

I am looking at the biggest pile of washing at the moment despite doing loads before I went back to work this week.  I seriously need an industrial washing plant here.  The kids being at home on their school holidays seem to create more washing than ever.

Martin seems to be doing ok with his new job but has to do very early starts to get up to London.  I had to take him up the station in my pjs yesterday so he could manage to get a train in time.

So, I am now off for my morning coffee as my dear Paul has just risen from our bed and is moving towards the kitchen (which has still not been painted - I thought he might have done it whilst we were away, still he has next week when we are away again to do it before I start raging about it).

Hugs to all

Tells x


Saturday, 4 August 2007

Long time no see

Its been a little while since I was on here to make an entry.  Things have calmed down on the dog front and both Paul and Billy have recovered from all the trauma but we have had a lot going on and that is why I have not been on a lot and so very behind in commenting in your journals.

Its been really sad but Spotty our cat is not with us any more.  He was 16 years old and in the last week or so became very thin.  Paul took him to the vet last week expecting to have to put him to sleep but they said they thought the problem may have been one of his teeth, so we decided to go with that and have it taken out.  They kept him in the vets for 3 days and when he came home he was still poorly.  We made the decision on Thursday that he could no go on especially as since he had been home he had hardly eaten or drunk anything and spent most of the time behind a chair in the living room.  So the end of an era and very sad.  Paul is broken hearted but we both know we could not let it go on.

But we have got cheerful things coming up.  Paul's birthday is on Monday and I have resisted telling him about his surprise helicopter lesson.  Yesterday evening the children and I went to Tescos and bought him a toy helicopter which makes a lot of different noises.  He is going to be a bit shocked to get that wrapped up!  Then we will hand him the voucher for his lesson .... so I can't wait for that.  He has the lesson on Thursday and after that whilst we have lunch I will tell the children that we are going on holiday the next day!!  I was looking at the brochure this morning and I hope the weather keeps fine for it all.

Matthew has just come back from Scout camp and has had a wonderful time.  I am now washing all the smelly clothes.  They went to the world jamboree get together at Chelmsford to celebrate the 100 year centenary on Monday and on Tuesday they took them to Alton Towers. 

Rosie and I went to Thorpe Park, another theme park, on Monday with my friend and her young son.  We had a wonderful time and I even rode the log flume .... it was so funny because my friend's little boy had an ear infection, so she insisted he wore a plastic cape.  As we came down for the photo the plastic cape flew over his head, mine and Rosie's heads too.  The photo was great.  The chap at the front of the ride was all smiles and behind him and blue flash of plastic!  We did giggle when we saw the photo when we came off.  Remind me not to do anymore fairground or theme park rides, I must have been so tense that I hurt my leg and limped for 2 days afterwards.

I am enjoying all this part time working apart from having to try to keep up with all the filing at work, which is manic at the best of times.   I have gone into work the last 2 Sundays but have now found a way that I can manage my work emails from home, so that should make it a bit easier.

Something awful too has happened at work.  They are making my sister's department redundant.  In one way though it is good that it has happened now because she will be 64 in December and that is when no redundancy package is available, apparently you get nothing then.  She will be leaving on the 24th August just a couple of days before we go away together to Hemsby.  Aw, I am going to miss seeing her every day.

By the way, I was at my firm 30 years last week.  Hmmm, I did get a bonus in my pay packet but no note from the Managing Partner to say thank you, kiss my ass or nothing.  I could understand it more if I wasn't a good worker or reliable but I am and have been!  I felt very disappointed that there was no official acknowledgment, all day I was waiting for it or my flowers to arrive at my desk.  I went to lunch with my friends and took cakes in, I thought of it as a milestone even if my company didn't.  My department though are celebrating it and they are arranging a lunch for me when one of our chaps gets back from being away on sabattical as he wants to be there too.  We are doing it in September.

I am determined to take the children to see Harry Potter this weekend - tomorrow is the plan.  I can't believe we haven't got there yet but with working some weekends I have not had the time.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend.

Hugs, Terry x

Thursday, 19 July 2007

Fingers Crossed

Thank you all so much for your comforting messages about what happened here yesterday

Here I am on this Thursday night after all the trauma of yesterday.  Billy seems a lot better today but still a bit sore I think but tail wagging more and all is calm in our household.  Paul and I are keeping a close eye to him but Billy seems to be getting over what happened and although I think he got hurt in the fracas I think a few days rest and quiet will get rid of his stiffness.  We slept downstairs last night and amazingly I got a good night's sleep ... I was exhausted I think.  I haven't cried for a long time and had several wailing sessions yesterday.

Work was nice today.  We had a departmental lunch to welcome someone back from secondment and to say goodbye to another who will be leaving tomorrow.  It was all very nice with jolly good company.  We sat outside in the garden of a local pub near our office and they do say theres no such thing as a free lunch ... hmmm, well I got one today and a nice long lunch hour.

Yesterday was also grotty at work because our supervisor called me in and said other girls had complained about the loudness of one of the new girls in our group.  Honestly, she is only asking questions etc., and she is actually a really nice person and works hard and has really got her head around the job very quickly.  I said to the supervisor that I thought the other girls were being bitchy ... and thats what I truly believe.

Anyway, Friday tomorrow and the last day at school for both Matthew and Rosie.  I can't believe the school year has gone by so quickly.  We now have a lovely summer holiday to look forward to and lots of fun .... hopefully things can only improve, eh?

This weekend I intend to get some of this stuff out of the house ... lots of clothes that the kids don't need any more will be going to the charity shop toot sweet!  I need all the room I can get with Martin back.  Martin has two interviews tomorrow, so keep your fingers crossed that he finds something that suits him soon.  He seems to be on more of an up now. 

Audrey over the road is not too good.  I am very worried about her and will try to spend a bit of time with her this weekend.  I took her to the local nursery the other weekend and it cheered her up no end.

Hugs to you all and thanks again for being there for me.

Terry x

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Horrid day

Something awful happened here last night.  My dog (yorkie) Billy, went crazy last night as Paul came to bed.  I was fast asleep and apparently Billy just launched himself at Paul's feet and started really biting him as he tried to come into the bedroom.  I had been in bed for about an hour and woke to it.  Paul was laying down in the hall with the dog going crazy.  Paul's foot was badly bitten and he had to kick Billy off from him.  It was just like a nightmare.  Paul's foot bleeding badly and Billy injured too.  This all happened at about 1 in the morning.  Paul was very upset and Billy crying.  Ohmigod.  I stayed downstairs with Billy whilst Paul went up to bed and eventually fell asleep about 3.  Billy went to sleep too.  This morning he was very stiff but managed his walk and when Paul came down he started growling again and I thought it was all going to start again.  Paul had calmed down by the time he got up and was upset that Billy had been injured.  I think Paul must have crushed him when he fell to floor trying to get him off his foot.  Billy seems better this evening and is eating and jumping up and down off the furniture but is very subdued.  We will see how he is going tomorrow but I think he needs to get over the shock.  Paul has been stroking him and bonding again.  We all feel so awful.

Hugs, Terry x

Saturday, 14 July 2007

flying high


The photo above is sad really.  It was taken at the Natural History Museum last year on a day out in London. Its Rosie with my old friend Chi Chi from London Zoo.  I remember Chi Chi so well from my childhood.  Chi Chi also seemed enormous and there she is all tiny and little stuck in a corner where the restaurant is.  I also was very fond of Guy the Gorilla.  He used to live in a big Victorian style cage.  Everyone would gather round and then he would throw his pooh at them.  When I asked where he was now, they said in storage somewhere.  What a shame.  Poor old boy should be laid to rest.  Looking back now, it must have driven him crazy being stuck in his cage.

Well here I am on a Saturday night, all bathed and in my jammies at 10 o'clock.  Hmmm, I must be getting old, eh? 

Its not been too bad a week for me.  My "friend" I told you about last time, who I was dreading seeing again on Wednesday for lunch, blew me out with 25 minutes to go as she had had a better offer.  She sent me an e-mail saying that one of the girls she worked with had asked her to go to lunch, so I was dropped like a hot tater!  She even had the cheek to say she would meet up with me on either Thursday or Friday but I wrote back and told her I had other arrangements for those days.  I did actually ... nice lunch hours spent with happier people.  I have made up my mind to avoid her now like the plague.  Then .... I was walking to work on Friday and who did I spot just in front of me, walking towards me with a face of doom.  Hmm, I made a quick step to the right and walked very quickly and she didn't spot me, ooooh what a relief, eh? 

Yes, it was blimming Friday, 13th yesterday ... I had trouble from the start.  Firstly, I couldn't sleep the night before.  I fell asleep on the sofa on Thursday evening and woke at about 11ish.  Tried bed, no.  Came downstairs, lay on sofa again.  Did I sleep, no!  In the end I think I dropped off at about 4 a.m. and then woke up late at 7.20 a.m. when I should have been up at 6.30.  Crazy time then, getting everyone up, getting dog walked, getting showered and out of the house by 8.05 a.m.  Got to the station and my train was cancelled, so I hopped back in the car with Paul and attempted to catch a fast train I know goes from another station nearby which is on a different line.  Got stuck behind the barriers and missed that one! Left my phone at home on charge, so couldn't call anyone.  Then couldn't get out of work on time due to an urgent job and missed my train home. Oooh.  I think the only good thing about yesterday was kicking off my shoes and having a nice lie down on the sofa when I got home.

Martin went for an interview yesterday in Bond Street for a publicist.  He seemed to think the interview went well but he didn't seem keen on the job.  I think he'd be better of getting a job he can drive to from here because he is terrible at getting up in the mornings.

I was in Letchworth today meeting up with my sister's eldest girls, the twins.  We had a pleasant afternoon, mainly sitting at Costa coffee having lovely drinks and watching the world go by whilst we chatted and I caught up with them both.

Martin seems ok and he and Matthew are bonding and going out running a few miles around the fields every evening.  Rosie gets fed up because they won't take her but she can't keep up and its a nice boy thing to do together.  They haven't asked me to join them ... wonder why, ha ha.

Martin and Matthew have gone fishing overnight.  I was out shopping when they left to go and I came home with lots of goodies for them for tonight, oh well, they will have them tomorrow I'm sure.  I don't often get the chance to go to Morrisons and I spent far more in there than I should have.  I can't get another thing in the freezer and the fridge is packed quite tightly.  I noticed they had a little Polish section there which is nice because it was always difficult to get Polish goodies before.  I have found a nice little deli in Hoddesdon which has an enormous selection and is really quite reasonable.  Christmas will be good this year, especially when I make my bigus, with the abundance of Polish sausages I can now get to put in.

Before I went out I did a very naughty thing!  I have booked a helicopter lesson for Paul as a birthday surprise.  We hardly buy each other presents nowadays as really there is nothing either of us want but I know he will be thrilled with it.  At least I hope so!  Luckily the airfield is about a 20 minute drive from us and I now have a voucher, so need to arrange a date.  His birthday is on the 6th August and I don't intend to tell him until that day.  You know me and my surprises!  I am being really nice to him today as I even told him the boxing was on earlier. Ahhh.

I hope everyone is having a sunny weekend.  The weather today was great and I even enjoyed the drive from here to Letchworth.  Hope it doesn't rain tonight as I don't really want muddy clothes coming home from the river.

Not long now until I start my 4 day weeks whilst the children are off school.  They finish this coming Friday, yipee!  I also have a lot of time booked off in August, so I am winding down and getting ready for the summer.

I got Rosie Ann Frank's diary from the charity shop today.  Ann Frank was only 13 when she wrote it.  Rosie who is now 12 can't put it down ... I remember reading it at the same age as Rosie.  I'll let you know what she thinks.  I am reading another Linda La Plante book called The Red Dalia and thoroughly enjoying it.  Its a bit gruesome as its a murder mystery and I have to put it down at times but have to pick it up again.  Oooh, I do so love reading.

Anyway, off now ... have a lovely weekend everyone.

Hugs, Tells x




Saturday, 7 July 2007

Crazy times

Heres a picture of the teachers from my primary school.  Oh its so funny that Mr Scott, the small man in the middle, was my headmaster.  He was a real tyrant and I never realised he was so small.  I know the picture is small but I don't know how to make it bigger.  Mr Scott sent me home from school when I was 10 for talking.  Thinking back it was lucky my mum was at home that day.  What an old s**. 

Washing machine and tumble drier going like crazy, radio on in kitchen and Live Earth on TV.  Trying to make toasted sandwiches and blimming fuse has gone on sandwich maker .... ooooh. 

This week has been ok.  Mainly getting up and going to bed again, ha ha.  I had Monday off with Matthew as he had an inset day.  Martin came back on Thurs and he has left his job.  I hope he finds some peace now.  He seems much more under control and I think he has got an interview next week.

Rosie went and had her brace tightened yesterday.  Her front tooth, which was so twisted, is looking really good and that is just after a couple of months.  I am really pleased.

The children now only have 2 weeks left at school before they break up for the summer hols. I can't wait until the surprise holiday, which is on the 10th August.

I met an old "friend" yesterday and spent the whole lunch hour listening to her woes.  I say friend but I use that lightly.  I never contact her as I have always found her very shallow.  She even tried to get me to give her a reference on my company's paper when it is certainly not my place to do that and there is no way I am putting my job on the line for her.  I don't think she asked me once how things were with me or mine.  Some people are so self centred they make me mad.  I remember when my mum died, she called me and I thought how nice but she did not mention my mum once only her building plans!  Health wise she is fine but she can't seem to find a job she likes and that had led to her unhappiness.  Blimey, I don't like my job that much but it pays the bills.  She always has been a very selfish person.  I asked about her daughter who is 15 but she had no interest in telling me much about her.  Her daughter has been doing very badly at school, despite being a very clever girl.  Over the last couple of years, my friend left her husband for 6 months as she wasn't getting on with him.  She didn't take her child.  She has returned to him now.  My friend, despite having the money, hasn't been on holiday for years.  I said to her, why don't you take .... away, just for a couple of days the two of you, it would bring you closer.  No, not interested in doing that.  I feel so sorry for her child.  How awful to have a self obsessed mother.  I have gone on here but she is so lucky to have a child and is wasting all opportunities to do things with her.  She'll be gone and I suppose then she'll say, oh she never visits me.  I left her feeling thoroughly depressed and very sad for her daughter.

Oh well.

Phil Collins singing on Live Earth.  Why he feels the need to swear whilst singing Invisible Touch I don't know.  What a idiot.

Oh well, off to see what I can do for the kids' lunch.

Hugs to all.




Sunday, 1 July 2007

Evening all


Hello all.  I thought I'd add a picture or two here of my village pub and the river.  I think I may have put the river on before.  Last Saturday we had a riverside festival on during the day and evening all centred around the pub and river.  This was done mainly to raise funds for the local youth club, which has been running a few years now.  I only managed to get there very late in the evening and there was a fabulous group playing rock and everyone was dancing and the atmosphere was really good. 

Martin is still here, I am worried about how he is going to deal with his workplace but I think he is going back to Leeds on Tuesday to face the music.  He is still terribly upset about the break up with Julia.  He went out with some friends on Friday night and came home in tears on Saturday morning, I think everything is coming out now and maybe thats not a bad thing.  Its coming up to the anniversary of us losing Barbara, his mum, and things always seem worse at this time.

He has missed not only us but his friends as well and has been busy catching up with them all.  I am not sure when he is moving back but it could be this week.

Work has been ok this week.  I had a lovely evening out with the department when they booked the roof garden at a local pub for a barbeque.  Only trouble was the blimming roof garden was about 4 stories up and I kid you not when the last part was like climbing a very steep ladder.  I was worried that I'd break my neck getting down if I had too much to drink, looking down when I got to the top it was a straight drop down.  Anyway, after 2 glasses of wine I felt I had better get myself off home while I could.  I didn't even pop to the loo whilst I was there knowing that I could only make one journey down those stairs as I wouldn't find the courage to go up again.  God knows how some of my friends got down there when they finished.

I have been the laziest woman ever today.  I have only just got showered and changed into fresh pyamas!  At least I look a bit more human now.  I love doing thisbut always keep my fingers crossed that no-one pops into visit us!

I don't know if anyone is watching Big Brother but I am becoming very fed up with that Charley one and hope she gets voted out this week.  I try to sneak in watching it when I can get the plodder off Paul (e.g. when he falls asleep).

Just remembering from when we were young.  My mum was always thinking someone was at the door and making us go and answer it.  Often there was no-one there and mum would always say, "it must have been my imagination".  After another time of doing this my little brother, Peter, said "Mum, why is it every time I answer the door your imagination runs away", we all fell about laughing.  Hmm, doesn't seem so funny written down. 

Anyway, heres a picture from where I grew up.  I found this site where I really enjoying going back in time.  I spent many happy hours at this cinema (we called it the pictures) and I used to love singing, "We're all for one, we're one for all, we are the grenadiers" at Saturday morning pictures.  This was when it was still called the Empire, which was a bit before my time.


and then sadly, it was all knocked down when I was about 15.

Aww.  I used to prefer Edmonton in the old days really.

Anyway, I hope you all have a lovely Sunday, what is left of it.

Hugs, Terry x

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

My friend Kate

Please go visit and give as much support as you can to my friend Kate who has just been diagnosed with breast cancer and is looking for support and friendship.

I haven't had much time to put an entry on because as usual flying about here and there on my broomstick!  I had to work again on Sunday and it has put me right out.

Martin came back last Wednesday.  He has split with Julia and is feeling very down about that and also is fed up and lonely in Leeds.  I think he will be giving in his notice but at the moment he is taking a short break with us to take stock of things.  We'll probably drive him potty and he'll decide peace and quiet may be better but I hope whatever decision he makes it will be the right one for him.  Matthew and Rosie love having him back here and we have him for a few more days before he goes back to face the music and sort out what he wants to do.

Good news for one of my nieces who has just been allocated a brand new council house after being in a flat from hell for the last 2 years with her baby.  I am so glad she will have a garden to play in and be in a nicer area with nicer people who don't swear and harrass her.

Rosie had her hair cut on Saturday, its a lot shorter now and I'll have to get my blimming camera sorted out to put a picture on here.  From being halfway down her back its now on her shoulders and she is thrilled with it.  Looks quite the glamour puss.  Ooooh I wish I was 12 again.

I don't know if I told you but my husband, Paul, won the lottery.  He and his friends got 5 numbers and they got £450 each.  I have a nice £50 towards our hols and he has taken us out for a meal too.

Blimming cat is honking up in my new kitchen  .... argh gotta go.

I will love you and leave you until I can write a bit more.

Hugs, Terry x


Sunday, 17 June 2007

oooh, oooh, Sunday, Sunday

Well this print looks gianormous!  I like it though bold and strong. 

I had to come home from work on Friday as I felt really queer (no smart comments, Gaz).  I spent the afternoon sleeping on the sofa and then went to bed and slept for hours.  I don't know why I felt so strange but I felt really dizzy.  I had some really weird dreams that were so vivid that I still remember them quite clearly and its unusual for me to remember my dreams.  Part of involved me seeing a band playing That will be the day in a park and then being helped across a really busy road (maybe acknowledging I am getting old eh) and then I was on a bus and had to get off when I saw the most wonderful building, all Chinese dragon waterfalls on it.  I know I have never seen this in real life and wonder if I ever will.  Anyway, all I am ok now and I must have had a funny bug.

Matthew has just come back from a sleep over at the London Dungeons.  I think it was for child relief.  He had a wonderful time and they were awake playing in there until about 1.30 a.m. this morning.  He did it with the Scouts ... he is always off doing something with them.  I think the people who run this are marvellous, they devote so much time to the children in the troop.  Next Friday he is off rafting with them, they have a swimming gala coming up too  ... it never stops.

I have had a quiet weekend really.  Yesterday after dropping Matthew off to go on his trip, Rosie and I went off in search of a kareoke machine for her.  We found a marvellous one with a little telly on it, so you can either see yourself sing or see the words of the tune come up.  Of course I have been able to resist having a go myself and have done a bit of leg shaking and sung All Shook Up.  I have been at my firm for 30 years at the end of next month and will get a small bonus, so it is her treat and I plan to get Matthew something nice too.

Martin surprised us by turning up this weekend.  It seems all is not well between him and Julia, his girlfriend.  Also, I think he is still indecisive about whether to stay up in Leeds or to come home and do a similar job nearby.  I am not going to pressurise him but I would like him home.  The kids miss him being here and so do we.  He surprised Matthew bygoing and picking him up this morning from his Scout trip.

I have a mountain of stuff do do here, the house is looking like the pits as I can't seem to summon up the energy.  I have sat out in the garden.  I've been reading a Linda La Plant book.  Its called Cold Blood.  Its marvellous and I can thoroughly recommend it, I just can't put it down.  I am almost at the end of it, then maybe I'll get myself in gear and get on with doing the tidying up and ironing. 

Paul and I are currently making the dinner between us, meatballs, mash and broccoli.  I make my own and they go down a treat here.  Its one of Martin's favourites ... ahhh.

I have been watching a lot of telly this week.  We have been enjoying watching Britain's Got Talent and have fought Paul away from the telly all week so we can watch it.  The Grand Final is tonight and we can't wait (except Paul).  Simon Cowell is one of the Judges and I wonder if they are showing this in America?  I am also enjoying Dr Who and last night's was a good one.  Big Brother is hotting up and I think the mix this year is very good.

Paul has just stuck his head in the door and said "all on my own then" ... have to go back to the kitchen now and do my duties.

Have a great Sunday everyone.

Hugs, Terry x


Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Sad news, Jim has gone

Such friendships we make through our journals. Even though we haven't met each other our lives intertwine.

Tonight I have learned that I have lost my good friend Jim  I have been worried as I haven't heard from him for a while and his wife emailed in response to one of my messages to him today and told me he had passed away in May.  If you have never read his journal, please go and read and enjoy it before it goes off line ... he was such fun and a very cheeky man.  I really enjoyed reading his journal and sharing emails with him.  I feel so sad that he has gone.  God bless you Jim, you were fun!  His email was halliday0957 and I think it would be comforting if you knew Jim if you could e-mail his wife before she closes the account.

Hugs, Terry x

Saturday, 2 June 2007

Wot a week!

So ... it has been a nice week for me.  The worst was that I had to go into work on Bank Holiday Monday and the journey there and back to home was a torture.  But then, its over now!

We had a great time with Martin here last week.  He took us all out to the Harvester on Saturday and we were in there for 3 blimming hours.  I haven't been to the Harvester for years and they do an early bird deal which makes it a lot cheaper if you eat there in the afternoon.  I can honestly say that it was the best meal I had out for a long time.  I had their ribs, they were absolutely gorgeous, followed by a shared (enormous) knickerbocker glory. 

We then came home and watched Dr Who, which was the best episode ever.  The second part is on tonight and the children and I can't wait to see it.  The aliens were fantastic, they took the form of humans and put their heads to the side and sniffed deeply trying to find Dr Who.  We have been doing it all week, the head to the side and deep sniffs.  We'll have to stop, people will think we're strange, ha ha.

On Tuesday I had the day off and had a fairly quiet day, apart from having to buy yet another pair of school shoes for Rosie .... oooh there are only 6 weeks left until end of term but hers are falling apart.  In the afternoon I had to take Matthew to the dentist for a check up and they did a filling whilst I sat in the chair on the other side of the room.  Well, I had an appointment today to have my root canal done, guess who chickened out after sitting there with all those drills going???  Yup, it was me.  I have put it off yet again until the 16th.  Will I go then?  God knows?  I have realised that I don't like the dentist at all.  There is no interaction between us or any kindness from her.  I think that is causing me a big problem in going back to her.  She has absolutely no sympathy for me and I think that is my problem.  I am so scared to go to the dentist and need someone who at least talks to me in a kind way.  Oh well, its not a problem now for a week or so.  The tooth plays up occasionally but not that much that I feel I need to go urgently. Incidentally, Matthew was fine having the filling and didn't have an injection but just watching it all freaked me out.

Anyway,after all the trauma of the dentist visit, I took an hour or so to recover my equilibrium and decided that the children and I would go and see Pirates of the Carribean.  Well .... although I concentrated as hard as I could, I could not make out what the bloody hell was going on!  All I knew was that after 2 and half hours of sitting there, that when they commenced yet another battle and Johnny Depp started swinging round on his bit of rope landing here and there, I felt a deep desperation to escape and flee the cinema.  I thought no, not another battle, when is this film every going to finish!  Also, there was a chap in it who looked identical to a really obnoxious fellow at work and everytime his face came up on screen I thought omigod its S........!  Its a long film and maybe best viewed at home where you don't get such a numb bum!

On Thursday I met up with a friend who had worked with us for a few months.  She has been to New Zealand and was back here for a week before going back to South Africa for good.  Lots of us from the office arranged to meet her round the corner from our office in a good bar.  A lot of other friends came from work and one couple who got together in the last 3 months announced their engagement.  Watch this space for wedding details.  They are both very nice people and its nice to see them so happy.  We had a great singer there as well and I requested Sexy Thing and had a bit of a dance round before I left.  My foot is hurting a bit now, must have danced a bit too energetically, eh?  I gave my South African friend £20 to get a bottle of wine and when they gave it to her for nothing because there were a lot of us there, I told her to keep it.  Now, I know my South African friend has been really hard up but I was a bit staggered when she said on our parting that if ever I had any spare cash to send it to her!!!!  It left a bit of a bad taste and I feel a bit sad about it.  My sister said that perhaps she had been drunk when she said it and maybe that was it. I don't know why she thinks I am a moneybags ... I wish I was.    I had quite a nice bit of wine and apart from the the money thing,  I had good evening with many friends.

I have upgraded our holiday caravan (the surprise one for the children) to a GOLD!!  I must be crazy, I am paying £440 for 3 nights.  Maybe I could send some to my friend in South Africa, ha ha!  No, this cash was earned by my hard work going in on the other bank holiday we recently had on the Sunday and Monday and I worked blimming hard for it shifting boxes and clearing up the office.  I am still keeping this a secret from the children and only intend to tell them the afternoon before we go.  Then I will still keep it secret that their brother Martin and sister Lisa will be there too until they all turn up to leave!  Oooh, what fun, eh!

Last night Rosie and I went to the local Civic Centre to see the local Pop Idol final.  Lots of children from 12-18 in this area have competed to get into the final.  They had 100s enter and then they had to go through another round from their first auditions.  There were 12 acts and it was extremely well presented.  They had dancers who were extremely well choreographed for most of the acts too.  We had to laugh as there were many stage school kids, one of which had appeared in the West End in Mary Poppins and was sooooo precious!  A boy won who sung "Kiss for a rose".  When he sang Baaaaabbbby he made me jump and then want to giggle!  I was surprised he won because I thought others were better.  We did have a wonderful time and the audience could vote too.  The boy we liked who had a wonderful voice won the audience vote.

So, guess then who found herself on the settee when I woke up this morning?  I have done the wonky walk for the last hour or so whilst my neck tries to straighten up.  I must have just laid in the same position all night.

Well, I must go and do some jobs and get dressed, ho hum.  Sun is shining and weather is warm, yeeeeeeh.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Tells x

Sunday, 27 May 2007

I have gone tiny

Oh dear, seems like my entries have been coming out in very tiny print.  Sorry to those who thought they were having a bad eye day.

Have been fiddling around on here and blimey ... look what I can do, post a blimming picture properly today.  So just before I lose this again, here is a picture of me and my Auntie Lila taken when I visited Poland for the first time and met her 2 years ago.  She is small but she is fiesty. 


Off to be lazy again.

Hugs, Terry x

More of those memoirs

Hope you enjoy this too.

Hugs, Tells x


We arrived in London, where we were met by some people from the firm whom Father was to work with. They took us to a hotel.

Maria, Danshell and I were put into one room. The nights were quite hectic for we carried on all night. Danshell made us laugh so much I couldn’t stop giggling and couldn’t get off to sleep.

We kept doing the beds. They were quite different to what we had been used to. On the Continent we had huge pillows and a feather bed to cover us.

The feather bed was a huge pillow to cover the whole body, filled with down. It was very light and beautifully warm. The covering was changed everywhere, the tick was red and the covering would have inserts of lace showing the red tick through.

The English bed was a hard small pillow, a cold sheet and hard heavy blankets which were in a muddle all the time. So we had to keep getting out of the bed to put all the blankets and sheets in order.

During the day the parents left us in the Hotel while they went out to see to things to do with staying in England. They were all on contract for three years.

In time we arrived at Brimsdown Station. We sat on a bench on a long platform and waited. I don’t know what for. It was very countrified. We saw the distant hills of a forest (Chingford), all around the station were fields and a road not far away with houses.

The houses were a little like the pamphlet we had received in Austria only they seemed wider and lower.

We were taken to the houses, Mrs Rudolph in the first, then a few houses further Mrs Mendrys, next door but one we were shown ours.

Mrs Szymatowice was to live in the road behind.

Our furniture had arrived and the unpacking soon done.

It seemed a huge house, there were two rooms and a kitchen downstairs, a bathroom, toilet and three bedrooms upstairs.

I was given the little box room. There was a gas stove in the kitchen and a sink. In Austria water was brought into the flats with large jugs from a tap in the hall.

We, the children, were taken to school. Some children would come for us and we walked a very long way and home for lunch and again in the afternoon.

In Austria, school was only in the morning and we had to do homework at home in the afternoon although we started at 8 a.m. and finished at 2 p.m.

Maria, Danshell and I were put into different classroomsbecause of our ages. We met only at playtime and on the way to and from school. We could not understand a word. Soon we were whipped off to another school. A different direction but even further.

Nuns had descended on us. There were Polish nuns among them, so of course we had to go to their school. I was put into Sister Stansislow’s class. She was a chubby sister always fussing. She called me Dzieckcko which means child in Polish.

She had been to Poland although I think she was Irish. She could not forget Poland. She could not speak Polish very well but she spoke to me all the time.

Proze, Dzieckcko! All day long, Proze being "please".

She was like a flapping old hen around me. Her excitement at practising her Polish was unbounded.

Maria and Danshell she tolerated as my friends but showed no interest in them, only being able to speak German.

I think it was mainly through her I learnt English very quickly.

I have met Maria this year - 36 years later and she still speaks with an accent, although I find people will not believe I'm a foreigner at all.

Sister Stanlisaw had a very funny way of teaching - she had no shame.

She took me into the playground for games.

The classes were mixed of course. I had become used to that in my first English school, ignoring the boys!

But not with Sister Stanislaw, she made me play games like ‘The farmer had a wife’, where you had to get into the ring with a boy to be his wife and worst of all some game where you stood in a ring and somehow you had to kiss the boy in the ring!

I would not do it. I’d run off in tears with everyone laughing. I hated the games.

Then she would have this horrible Alfie Cook, who looked like a monkey, thin puckered lips, hair standing up all over his head and round thick glasses making up stories.

The stories had to be acted. He would, with Sister’s encouragement, choose me to be his leading lady. The story was always about a prince and princess who would have to end the scene kissing!

By that time I realised it was better to suffer the kissing than to cause a rumpus by refusing.

He would approach me for the kiss leering at me. I would screw my eyes shut and pretend I was somewhere else, but as soon as I sensed him near I would quickly turn my head aside and he would miss my face and do ‘the kiss’ somewhere in my shaking hair.

I hated Alfie Cook! I have a photograph of agroup with him in it and even now I’m not surprised, he looks awful!

I did manage by that time to live with boys. There was a little boy David next door with whom I used to play with. He was always saying ‘Ay-Ay-Ay’ when asked a question. I tried to find out what ‘Ay’ meant - no-one seemed to be able to tell me.

I would have to take Father some food to his factory and all the men were very friendly.

They taught me to say words in English and when I told them to Sister Stanlislaw she would go as red as a beetroot.

When she had got over the shock enough to speak, she would tell me they were something dreadful. So when I went to the factory and got talking to the men I would repeat the words, knowing they meant something nasty, all innocently, going round the men in the factory and saying them. Some would roar with laughter, others would look shocked. I’d look at them to see their reaction. On the whole it was quite good fun. But I did not repeat them to Sister Stanlislaw.

Mother would send me to the shops with the unfamiliar money. Some of it was very big. Pennies they were called, although you could not buy as much as with the silver money.

In a sweet shop there were two sisters, elderly ladies, they called everyone ‘Duck’,

In the shop next door was a dark haired woman. She had a load of black frizzy hair and lots of make up on. Her husband was old. At least 40. She must have married him for his money. Years later she was old too - but he did not seem any older than when I first saw him, so perhaps she did not marry him for his money at all.

On the corner was a fish and chip shop. It smelt awful. When I walked past it I would turn faint. My stomach would get the wobbles and I would have to run to get away from the tainted air.

If the woman next door asked me to get her chips I’d find another girl to go in for me and give her my reward money, a penny.

In time of course, I learnt to love chips and other English delicacies.

In the road behind where we lived a woman kept a shop in a house. She would fill a glass for you of mustard pickles for a penny. They tasted wonderful. They don’t make tasty pickles like that now.

There was a factory opposite our house. At he back of the factory were sand pits and cement works. In the pits it was fairyland for the children. Bushes crew and ponds galore. Shallow pools where the sand had been taken out.

There were frogs and toads, frogspawn and then they would grow into newts, then they got larger and larger until they were fully grown frogs.

We would play in the water, taking out frogspawn and put them into old rusty tins we would find.

Dragonflies would fly over the water. They were very beautiful, their wings shining and shimmering with a thousand colours and lights as the sun flashed on them as they flew. But we were all frightened of them. They were too big.

In the water grew reeds and we would tear them up and plait them and make pipes and mats.

Around the cement factory lay big cement stoves. We would make houses out of the block. We would play mothers and fathers. We would get sand from the pit, mix it with water and make pies with the assortment of tins we found laying around.

Father would go to work. He would have to search for anything he could find for the house.

Mother would stay at house cooking the pies.

Sometimes we would be film stars, Ginger Rogers and Joan Crawford. Mostly I was Joan Crawford. I would walk around tossing my hair. I would discuss my leading man, Clark Gable.

Sometimes lots of children came to play. We would all play together, hiding seek, statues, where the girl who was ‘he’ if she turned around and caught someone moving would count her ‘out’. The idea was that while ‘he’ turned around you had to move to the front. As soon as he turned to face the players, they had to pose as statues and of course the one who managed to creep to the front without being noticed, played ‘he’ next time.

We played ‘film stars’. ‘He’ would call out initials of famous film stars and of couse the one who guessed the initials became ‘he’.

My favourite was ‘truth and dare’. You would be asked ‘truth or dare’, if you said ‘truth’ you would be asked to tell the truth, mainly if you kissed boys and things like that. If you said ‘dare’, it was much more exciting. You would be dared the most terrible things. Like going in the middle of the road and screaming or trying to stop cars and get lifts, or shouting something nasty at men or going up to someone to ask them something like ‘can you tell me where Mrs So and So lives? We would then hover around while the ‘darer’ would approach someone to ask for Mrs So and So. We would all die laughing.

More of Mummy's memoirs

Oooh, I haven't put any of this for ages (December) and I so I have decided to type up a bit more.  Another instalment to come shortly. 

Hope you all enjoy.  Hugs, Tells x


Gradually I became aware that we were going to move again. To England. Everyone seemed jealous.

Father had been on a contract to Austria for three years with the Krup Group and the three years were nearly up.

From England we received pamphlets with houses printed on them, Bay windowed house as we had never seen with round porches around the front door and a strip of garden. Three other families were to come with us. The Mendrys’, Rudolphs and Szymatowice’s. The Mendrys’ still only had Peppy, the Rudolph’s had a boy, Anton whom they called Danshell and the Szymatowice’shad Maria. Maria was 14 years old and Danshell was 14, Peppy was 2.

I was very upset having to leave Gise. We promised to write. I gave her my most treasured possession as a keepsake. A cardboard clock with moving hands by which I had taught myself to tell the time.

We were to go first. Mother and Father wanted to stop in Poland to see their friends, then we would meet somewhere in Germany.

Back in Poland we stayed with the people upstairs where we had lived. The parents of Marynka who had trodden the cabbage with Father.

Marynka had married and had a baby. The baby had died. There was a little photo of her on the wall under a little altar.

While we were there Father had to return to Vienna for something was not in order with the travel documents. He did not return the time he was expected. Mother threw herself into a panic. Everything happened to Father. He had been arrested at the frontier! He had been met with an accident. There must have been a train accident that had not been announced. All sorts of things had happened.

I got quite panicky with her. I could not imagine life without Father.

He turned up though with some vague explanation that did not satisfy Mother. She carried on and on and after a few stormy days came to the conclusion he’d been carrying on with the young stage artist whom we had stayed with in Vienna.


We somewhere met the rest of the party on the way because I remember travelling with them. Whether it was in England or still on the Continent I don’t know, although we did have a stop in Holland.

In Holland Father had his sister Marynia. She was married to a Dutchman of Polish descent. They had three children, Maria about 17, Stefan about 14 and Agnieska 8.

They lived in a little box house. My Grandfather from Germany joined us there. He was very much like Father to look at, quite plump though with big white whiskers. He always smoked long thick cigars. He had silver money done up in a long paper tube. He gave me a big silver Mark.

The children all seemed to have bicycles which had license plates on them.

I played and slept with Agnieska. She was my own age and although she spoke Dutch we could understand each other very well with my German.

Soon we were on our way again.

Thursday, 17 May 2007

this, that and the other


Ok, here is a little picture to tease you ... more pictures to come ... I can only seem to get one in at a time and need to take some more now the kitchen is almost complete.

Hmmm, today lady boss called me into talk about my rise and told me it made no difference how long anybody had been at our firm ... we will all get the same money.  That told me then!  Told her then that she had her opinion on what she thought was fair and I had mine.  Funny, really as I haven't made any official complaint, they are the ones that keep on about it!  The new girl is quite nice and I actually do like her ... but I am still peed off that she is earning the same as me, so there!!!

I can't tell you how pleased I am that I am not at work tomorrow.  Yay, although I only have tomorrow off because I have to take Rosie to have the brace fitted.  Brace day at last!  She is not at all nervous although she realises that she will be feeling some pain while it settles down.  I am going to meet her from school at lunch time and we will be ladies who lunch and then plan to have a good time looking round the charity shops before we go for her appointment at 3pm. I must also make an appointment for myself first thing at the doctors because I almost run out of my blood pressure tablets and I don't want to go bang.  Its almost impossible to get an appointment to get my blood pressure read with the doctor!  She is booked up weeks ahead for goodness sake.  The receptionist told me 2 weeks ago that I would have to phone tomorrow and say that it was urgent that I saw the doctor, what a palarva!!

I had some great news at Matthew's school when I went for the parent's evening.  As you know he attend a moderate learning school and I was amazed and proud to be told that they think he may be able to take an English GCSE.  My Barb would be so proud.  I had a little tear in my eye.  I wasn't so pleased though to be told that he was king of the belchers in one particular class.  He has been taking advantage of a young, new teacher.  I was amazed that she hadn't even contacted me about it.  Now I know, I can confirm that his reign is now over!

I had to dash out the other evening to get him some new school trousers.  He is growing at a rate of knots and is now 5ft 9inches with size 9 feet.  Oh god, he is going to grow out of his bunk bed and then what will I do?  He is very slim with a 28 inch waist so men's trousers are no good as even a 30 inch swims round his waist.  In the end I managed to find some lovely, easy care ones from Matalan for only £7 each, which have buttons with elastic tags with cut outs in which you can pull tight ... thank you Matalan!

Great excitement here ... Mr Enthusiastic has put my new switches and plugs on in the kitchen ... one left to put on, watch this space.

Martin is coming back this weekend and the children are really looking forward to seeing him.  I hope we have a good weekend together.

Right, off to do some wishy washy.

Hugs, Terry x

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

My bread a picture at last


Well blimming 'eck ... Ally alerted me to the fact that there was something different about adding pictures and I have found that I am able to add my bread at last.   Now its really easy, had to be if I was able to do it and it looks very professional.  It is delicious just after baking and for the rest of the day.  Sliced thinly with some cheese on the side, ooooh.

8oz self raising flour
1/4 teaspoon of black pepper
1oz butter
1 smallish onion finely chopped
4oz mature cheddar cheese coarsely grated (I just chopped it up)
1 egg
4-5 tablespoons of milk

Mix the flour and pepper together and rub in the butter

Stir in the onion and cheese and make a well in the centre

Whisk together the egg and milk and pour into the well and mix to a soft dough

Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and kneed quickly into a small round of about 6-7 inches

Using a knife cut a lattice on top of the round, pressing quite hard so definite cut marks showing

Put on a lightly greased baking sheet and bake at 190 or gas mark 5 until well risen or golden brown (about 40 minutes).  Turn the bread over and cook for a further 5 minutes.

Cool on a wire rack.

I hope you are able to try doing this.  Let me know what you think of it, its a great hit in my family and last time I did it I ended up having to make another one and fighting them off of it until Paul got home and could have a slice!

ps:  Got home to find the tiler has been again and tiles all grouted now ... so not much to do now and the kitchen will finally be done (new plugs put on and decorating ceiling and wall).

hugs to all, Fanny Craddock the 2nd aka Terry x



Saturday, 12 May 2007

Hello everyone, well here I am on a sunny Saturday morning, which makes a nice start to the weekend.

I feel so sad at the moment, worrying about little Maddy and I even had a nightmare this week about it. It brings to mind a lot of sad events in my own life, particularly concerning paedophiles.  I pray to god that this little girl was maybe taken by someone really wanting a little girl and not some awful paedophile.  I don't condone her parents leaving her alone but who would imagine in their worst nightmares that such a terrible thing would occur. Please god she is found safe and well.

Turning to other things, I was shocked to see the room where Jeannette is having her treatment.  That made me sad too, knowing that my two sisters had face it too.  It was my Andrea's birthday yesterday, we lost her in 1999.  She went totally crazy when she was diagnosed with breast cancer and after she had had the operation she was convinced that she was still waiting to have it done and they had to move her into a separate room and she had to have psyhciatric treatment.  She was just so shocked that she had cancer she just lost it for a little while.  She said her turning point was when she was afterwards waiting for this treatment and saw little children waiting for theirs and that seemed to pull her back.  God bless you Andrea, I miss you so.  Our long telephone calls where my ear would be hot after talking for so long.  She would have loved the internet.  For years she was part of a postal blog involving about 8 girls, they wrote for about 20 odd years I think.  All young mothers together, sharing their lives.  As times got better for them all, they would meet up in London, firstly for just lunch and then they used to make a weekend of it, staying in nice hotels.  I am sure if she was here now, she'd be on the computer all the time.  She was such a lively person, always on the go.  If this blimming AOL worked properly and let me post a picture today I would put one on.  Lets hope I can get my buttons working properly again soon.

So, all in all, I have been feeling a bit blue.

Work has been challenging this week.  I have managed to be fairly nice to the new girl, through gritted teeth (or what I have left of 'em).  Big Boss has called me in twice, trying to get round me and even left an orchid on my desk the other day.  Hmmpppph.

I haven't mentioned that I am off to have my root canal on the 2nd June, the day draws nearer .... makes me realise what a coward I am especially when my friends here are going through worse.

I am off now to visit my good friend Laura.  I met her in a lonely lane in Greece many years ago when we were on holiday in Zakynthos and have been friends since.  I am going to try and help her with her computer ... I hope I can.  Its nice to have a lazier weekend as last weekend I worked Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday clearing up the office.  Double time was nice and it has helped pay for our little holiday in August but has left me exhausted!

Last and not least .... the tiler cometh on Tuesday!!! Hooray.

Hugs to all and hope you have a great weekend.

Terry x

Saturday, 5 May 2007

Wages of sin

Life can get you down and most days you can forget how lucky you are just to be still here and living it.

I was just reading my local paper and have seen that a good friend to my family has passed away.  Phil, a good neighbour and friend to my mum and stepdad.  He was a very nice man, would do anything for anyone.  He was a Bevan boy during the war. 

A Bevan Boy was a man of military age forced to work the Coal Mines of Britain in WW2 , under a scheme devised by Ernest Bevin , Minister of Labour.

If you refused- 6 months imprisonment . Men who wanted to fight for their country were given no alternative.

They were employed from 1943-1948, received absolutely no compensation -after the war the UK Government burnt all the records to prevent the men from claiming.

There is now a motion going through Parliament to get these men recognised and given compensation.

One good thing about his Bevan boy service was that Phil met the love of his life Marion when he lodged with her family during this time of his life.  He married her and they came back to his home town to live the rest of their lives.  Phil went on to be a fireman and then when he retired he took a job at the local funeral parlour and I was proud that he looked after my mum, step dad and Barb on their final journeys.  Being a Bevan boy though took a toll on Phil's health and he always suffered a bad chest.  His dear wife passed away a few years ago and I am sure they are together again now.  Goodbye dear old faithful friend and neighbour.

Here we are on a Saturday morning at 11 am and I am still sitting in my pjs!  Its a bit chilly and I will get dressed soon.  Rosie as usual is sitting watching Friends on the telly, I swear that girl is obsessed and has fallen in love with that Joey one. Her first crush was Dennis the Menace from the Beano comic, ahhh.

Paul has gone off to work and Matthew is at scout's camp, so we have total control of the telly, which makes a change in this house.  Its a shame we have to go out and get some shopping but then we will cosy up and watch a film later together.  Tomorrow I am working and maybe on Monday as well, so quite a lot of other things to do today for next week.

The tiler has gone silent!  No news is good news I suppose but Paul has promised to phone him and see "wots going on".  I shall be patient but not for too long now.

No Martin this weekend.  All has gone quiet which I hope means he is happy and more settled in his new job. 

I booked a surprise holiday for the kids this week.  I've booked a long weekend at a caravan park at Walton on the Naze, which is a seaside place in Essex.  Rosie has always wanted to go on a caravan holiday and when we spoke about it last she said it would be lovely towing the caravan and stopping where we like.  I had to put her right.  I am a woman who finds it difficult enough to park between two cars at Sainsburys, let alone tow a caravan and manoeuvre it!  I am not the gypsy type who could sit in the middle of a field either with my little log fire burning.  This caravan site is quite a busy one, with lots for the kids to do and entertainment in the evening.  Its also near the main beach and one of the longest piers.  The kids will go crazy when they see the funfair.  I intend to tell them the night before we go, so this is a secret I will have to keep until mid August.  They know we are going away at the end of the month but this will be a nice surprise for them.

Work ..... hmmmm, well I am going in to pay for this "surprise" so it will be worth it.  Apart from that I am a bit fed up as I have found that a new girl starting on Tuesday will be getting the same money as me!  I wish I hadn't been told as that makes me feel a bit peeved.  Big boss asked what he could do and I said give me a good reference!  Not that I would leave.  It suits me having the unpaid 3 weeks leave a year and also with my health background I would not be a good bet as a new employee, so I have my hands tied.  I shall do my best to be a big girl and be nice to the new bitch who is earning the same as me after I have been there 30 years!  Ooooh, can I do it????  Its not her fault, I know, just blimming annoying.

I have posted a picture of my family taken a year or so ago when my cousin from Poland came over.  We are not all there and there are a few imposters in there, the one in the polish tee shirt is a friend of my nephew but he does have a Polish mother.  You'll see me in the black tee shirt and jeans.  On my left is Matthew and my cousin, Klaudyna in the beige jacket.  Rosie is being cuddled by my sister, Chris, ahhh.

Chris is off to Ireland on her hols on Tuesday.  She is going for 2 weeks and renting out two separate cottages.  She loves Irish books and is looking forward to going and see some of the places mentioned.

Well, I have gone on and on again.  Hope everyone has a nice, restful weekend.

Hugs, Terry