Tuesday, 6 November 2007


I have been reading a journal that has really touched and humbled me.  Heres the link, go along and encourage this wonderful woman.  http://journals.aol.co.uk/spriteverdixx/a-journey-of-another-kind..../entries/2007/11/06/like-buses...../912  I have read it from the beginning and have started commenting.  If ever I moan about anything mundane, please slap me! 

Things here all calm and quiet!  It seems though that things are livening up and there is trouble coming at work, I can feel it in my bones and by the very atmosphere of the place.  I fear my new colleague will be leaving and it will cause us chaos but hey, its only a little thing in the grand scheme of life.  I shall keep you posted.

Martin started his new job on Monday and says he feels like he has gone home.  I really hope this works out for him as I know he has been so bored at home and needs to work to get his finances sorted out.

The children are back at school now after half term and we are all feeling pretty tired.  Not long though and it will be the Christmas hols and the merry go round of finding all the presents.  I just can't believe how quickly the year goes by.

I have just read the book "Abandoned" by Anya Peters.  She wrote an online blog whilst homeless.  This girl had a cruel, abusive and loveless childhood, I had to keep closing the book and it took me a while to get through it.  Heres the link to her blog wanderingscribe.blogspot.com

Well, on that cheerful note off I go!

Hugs, Tells xx



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