Heres my story, its not pretty.
After 5 years of cowardice I had to take myself to the dentist. I have been suffering excruciating toothache for a couple of months now and it came to a crescendo this weekend. In my defence, I have had some awful dental experiences in the past, a bridge that went wrong resulting in an op on my gum and then a visit to a dentist where I let her do 4 fillings at once, one of the fillings broke the next day (a Saturday) and cut my tongue up all weekend and on the other side the fillings zinged together. It resulted in a week or so of pain before sorting them out. It has really put me off, so I have really been frightened of letting anyone near my teeth again.
My friends have been nagging and nagging at me to go to the dentist as they know I have been in pain a lot. I have made lots of appointments and cancelled them as the toothache gets under control again. I have found a good way of pain control is to smearing sensodyne over the offending tooth most of the day and in the middle of the night but relief has been short lasting. I knew the time had come and I had to go.
The time for my appointment was at 2.10 this afternoon and I felt embarrassed and angry at myself for being such a wimp. It was a lady dentist and she was very nice to me and not judgmental. She knows me as she sees the kids.
The tooth that has been really killing me has now got a temporary filling in and I may lose it once she examines the xrays of it as it may not be possible to do a root canal treatment on it.
I have a half hour appointment on the 27th I am going back to talk about this tooth and to have another 2 fillings. I think I'll be going for quite a few more appointments too.
At the moment I am waiting for the injection to wear off and feel sorry for myself but determined to sort my teeth out once and for all. I need a lot of treatment and I feel such a hypocrite as I have taken the children regularly and let them go through this without submitting to it myself. My resolution for 2007 is to get this sorted out.
Now you know!
Terry x
poor you!
i'm the same around dentists, in 2001 i had a lot of work done on my teeth as they had gotten really bad and i was in constant pain, but boy was it worth it. it's annoying cos it can be v expensive, but worth ending the suffering.
lucy x
I know how you feel. I had appalling dental experiences as a child and stopped going when I was 20 years old.
Because of all the work I had done on my teeth, by the time I reached 33 they were falling apart. Mike made me go to his dentist, who was wonderful and since then I have had complete confidence in my dentists and no fear whatsover. The work I had done 20 years ago included over an hour while he drilled my four front teeth down to points and I was fitted with four crowns. I even had an impacted wisdom tooth taken out under a local anasthetic. Losing your fear is half the battle.
Linda x.
((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))))Take it from someone who knows all about toothaches,pain,not wanting to go to the dentist.I went once to the same dentist,said I had alot of problems,never wennt back,tha a few years past and I finally had to break down and,just like you did.My Dad went in with me,because I know there would be alot of talking,I wouldnt understand.I had alot of work done,I have all of my bottom teeth removed,because they were sooooooooo bad and alot on the top,but,I have about 10 dreaded going as long as I could.I dont know what it is about that we all dont like going to the dentist.They asked me,what took you so are a really nice dentist.Once you get all that taken care of,you will feel alot better.Did the give you anything for the pain?I dont like Vicdone,to strong,upsets my tummy.The first visit,I had was to remove 6 on the left bottom and 6 on the right didnt eat much for a will be ok,go,you need to.Have a nice day.Sorry,alot of
Oh Terry, I really feel for you. I always took my daughters regularly to the dentist when they were small, of course as they got older and started work I couldn't make them go, consequently my eldest daughter left it quite a while and then needed a lot of work done, the dentist she chose wasn't very sympathetic and it really put her off going. She went to another dentist who was so much nicer, once her teeth were sorted out she went regularly - this is what you have to look forward to, keep going for your check-ups and you won't be afraid to go because you'll know there won't be any major work to be done.
Sorry for being so long-winded about this but I really believe that if you choose a sympathetic dentist and go regularly you won't have so much fear as you do now. Please let us know how you get on when you go back on the 27th. Pat
Oh Terry I do feel for you ,I bet you felt awful all morning. I am just the same when I have to go to the dentist ,in fact that is the worst part ,I do hope it all goes well now Jan xx
I have never had any real bad experiences with the Dentist ~ but I still hate going to see him ~ after all that has happened to you in the past I can understand your fear ~ but you now seem to have overcome it ~ so good luck with all your appointments ~ Ally
I'm really lucky in that I've got the best dentist in the world (and is also one of my closest friends --we used to camp together back when she was in dental school. Imagine waking up in the middle of the woods only to find someone making a set of dentures at the picnic table). She's just funny as hell and, while she's amusingly professional to her regular clientel, she's her normal goofy self when she's working on me and it's all over before I know it.
Good luck with your future visits.
Hi Terry - i know exactly where your coming from as i only go to the Dentist when emergency treatment is needed !!! I know its bad, but when your scared your scared, right ? Good luck with the rest of the appointments, the only advice i can suggest is to think of nice things as soon as you start to worry :o)
Luv Jayne x
I know how you feel! I am ashamed of my teeth or what I have left of them. I should money on doing something about it but it will hurt and I am not brave enough. Love Conniex
I Hate the dentist as well. I`ts the pitts and always painful!! well done for going.
luv bella
I think we are all frightened of the dentist, it probably goes back to the days of the dreaded school dentist.
Terry you are much braver than me! Even agony for 6 months hasn't helped me get any closer to the dentist! I think I have even damaged my stomach lining with pain killers trying to avoid the damn dentist!!! I hope you get it sorted soon.
Wendy in Oz
I am sorry you are having teeth problems. Doc has totally neglected his teeth, but I go faithfully twice a year to get them cleaned and the best investment I have made is in sonicare as my gum problems have really been helped using this brush which cost me about $100. My dentist has shown me how to use it for maximum effect and even improved the health of my gums more. Gerry
i know how you feel in fact just befor ei read this i was eating a toffee and it pulled out a filling!
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