Saturday, 13 January 2007


As I have mentioned before, my little girl, Rosie, has been having problems at her new secondary schools.  Not only has she been bullied by older girls but she also made an enemy of her best friend when she decided that she didn't want to be bossed about by her any more and told her best friend they should just be friends.

This last week has been rotten for Rosie.  The "best friend" has ganged up with all the other girls Rosie travels with at the station and they have been doing the ignoring trick and whispering and giggling trick and mentioning Rosie's name so she can hear.  Rosie also didn't want anyone at her new school knowing her past but her "best friend" decided yesterday to also tell others about it and then confessed to Rosie after school what she had done.

I got a call from her mother tonight.  I have a good friendship with her.  She is outraged at what her daughter has done and didn't even realise what had been going on over the last few months. We went round tonight and have had a heart to heart with the girls and let them put their differences to each other.  |Both me and her mother were in tears at times and the girls seem to be ok now and hopefully from Monday all will be well.  Keep your fingers crossed.

Oooh feel all cried out and I have to go to work tomorrow.


Terry xx




Anonymous said...

My daughters would always have fights with their friends and be fine the next day, best buds again.  Hope all stays well with your daughter and her friend :)


Anonymous said...

I remember being bullied at school it leaves it's scars, it's such an appalling situation and the schools are not much help. Good for you to talk to ths girls parents and to try and let the girls sort this themselves. It's great relationship with your daughter at least she can talk to you. Hopefully things will settle down in this new school and good for rosie for standing up for herself. Take care
Yasmin (cayasm)

Anonymous said...

I HATE bullying, I can understand you being so upset, I felt the same a few months when my grandaughter was being is so nice that the bullies mum is concerned and caring.....maybe they will be ok now ....Linda xx

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOOU))))))))))))))))))))))))))))I am so so sorry that happend,it is jjust  sad to hear that has happend.But,I will keep you all in my prayers and hope things goe well.It iss nice to hear  that you are good friends with the mother.h ave a nice evening.

Anonymous said...

I was severly bullied in school.  I am just getting to know you, so I don't know what your daughters "past" is, but you can trust kids to air dirty laundry and make an arse out of themselves and others.  I am glad you knew the Mom and that you talked though, communication is good.  NOw i just hope your daughter can recover.  HUGS

Anonymous said...

girls can be so bitchy to each other, it's good that you have the other mum on side. although schools are generally useless around stopping bullying, i would still make them aware of whats going on, especially if the older girls are doing it to lots of the younger girls- someone at some stage has stand up to them.
hope rosie is ok
lucy x

Anonymous said...

I`m sure it will all come to good in the end Terry. But its the road getting there that hurts the most, your daughter will become a stronger person from this experience and I pray that it will end soon. take care.
luv bella xx

Anonymous said...

Poor Rosie what an awful time she has been having .What a good thing the other Mum understands what has been going on ,and you have all ,had a chat about it ,I pray it will all have a good result ,Could you let us know ? love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Girls can be so cruel at that age, I remember it well when so called friends ganged up on me........I ended up getting school phobia and was in a real bad way for almost 3 years; just wish my parents had sorted it like you have with the other girls mum........hope they both appreciate what you have done for them!!!! Wish Rosie my best wishes for tomorrow, I am sure it will be okay.

Anonymous said...

Oh Terry!  I hope this works out for Rosie (and you!) We women can be complete cows when we are young (some older ones too!!!). Good for you for helping Rosie try to sort it out. I really do hope things settle down and she can concetrate to enjoying what should be a wonderful time in her life.

Extra hugs to you both

Wendy in Oz

Anonymous said...

I do hope everything will be OK for Rosie now ~ glad you could all get together to try and sort it out ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear Rosie has had such a bad time. We had to have a similar Mum's get together for my daughter and her friends at her school in Penarth. It did work to a certain extent, it stopped the problems but you can't make people be friends, hopefully Rosie will find some new friends.

She must have been feeling a bit like my poor henpecked Isabella.

Linda x.

Anonymous said...

Poor Rosie.. we females are our own worst enemies sometimes..bless Rosie's heart and yours too Mum.. I know what it feels is like a physical pain to know that your child is being bullied!!
Hope it will get better now!

Anonymous said...

Poor Rosie, children can be so cruel at times. Hope you have managed to sort it out and hope the girls friendship prospers.

Anonymous said...

aww poor Rosie, i hope everything is better now, kids can be so cruel.


Anonymous said...

Glad you have sorted out the bullying it is so upsetting for your daughter. Well done. love Conniexx

Anonymous said...

((((Tells))))) ..... thank goodness for sensible Mums like you and this 'best friends' Mum..... i hope everything is now out in the open and bridges can be re built.
Love & kisses to you all..... Jaynee xx

Anonymous said...

Do you know that girls are the bloody worst ,honestly my daughter has the same problem,i hope it gets better when we move,zoe xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Terry - thanks for dropping by my journal! Girls are just a nightmare arent they - always falling out - I remember doing the same! Kids can be so cruel to each other! Ive added your link on to my journal. Love Laine xx