Thursday, 25 January 2007

oooh dear

my computer has badly crashed, so I am on Rosie's laptop, which is really difficult to type on!  I hope to get the main computer sorted out soon but fear that I will not be making many entries at the moment.  So, sorry if there are not a lot of comments from me but I am trying to read my alerts which are building up.  It may be a week or so before normal service is commenced! I think its either my monitor or graphic card but am waiting for my nephew to come back and to run a few things ... argh its only 6 months old and I spent over an hour on a pricey help/complaint line the other night which resulted in me losing everything on my computer!  Next time I call them it will be to take the blimming thing away!


Terry x 


Anonymous said...

didn't you just get that thing fixed????

Anonymous said...

Oh eck Tells ....... blimmin computers !!!!!    and there was me thinking plans with the kitchen were keeping you from us :o)
Take care, Luv Jayne x

Anonymous said...

I gave up with the help desks ages ago, I now use a local guy who could teach the help desks a thing or two!!!!!
I am using my laptop a lot at the moment, used the desktop yesterday and it seemed really strange cos I had got used to the considering buying a laptop style keyboard for the desktop, LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

I hate these things when they go wrong. My main computer is running very slowly to start, sometimes taking 10 minutes to get on to AOL! I've done all the usual things to try to improve it. I think I'm going to take a lot of stuff of it, all those files that get downloaded when people send 'funnies' etc.

We have a lap top now, which is so much faster but the damn keyboard!!!! I'll be typing away, I don't know what I do but I somehow make the cursor jump back and I either delete a load of stuff, or else I'm typing in the middle of a previous sentence! Aggghhh!

Linda x.

Anonymous said...

PC world do a health check for £25....but good luck to your nephew if he can fix it!
luv bella xx

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYU)))))))))))))))))))))))))That is a bummer,I know how you feel.I hope it gets worked out soon.Have a nice weekend ahead.

Anonymous said...

Bad news on the computer front!! Maybe you can get a new one installed in your kitchen!!!  Just a thought!!!  And as for the (No) Help are not alone there!  I have only ever found one guy who actually helped and he told me he was just filing in anyway!!!  Good luck with it.


Wendy in Oz

Anonymous said...

Hope your computer gets back to Normal soon ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

I'm always threatening to throw mine out of the window!! hope it gets fixed soon

Anonymous said...

What on earth did we do before computers!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are having computer problems.  That can be a drag.  I bought a Compaq because I had been using Pierre's old Compaq and thought it was a very reliable brand.  I know some other brands that people have been having trouble with.  Compaq is associated with Hewlett Packard, too, and I love their products.   I do hope you will soon be back with us.     Gerry

Anonymous said...

i just having problems with aol, cant sign on etc its a right pain in the a hole!Beckiexx