Oh dear, after messing around with other things I decided to do system restore to a week or so ago, so I have managed to get my buttons back so I can post. Hmm, now what can I tell you?
I've had a strange old week at work. We said goodbye to a girl, who is off on her travels after spending 8 months or so with us. I got quite fond of her and it will be strange without her. She did not get on with her boss at all though and it will be a relief not to have the tension every day. She was a real character and has been through a lot in her life. She has managed to get herself off drugs whilst she has been in the UK away from all the bad influences back at home and I admire her for sorting herself out.
High scandal at work on Friday though when it was revealed that a really old chap there had had a child with one of the younger ladies on the staff. No-one could believe it and everyone is stunned. The baby is under a year old and the dad must be nearly 70 and looks like tweedledee whilst the younger lady is like a fashion model. He obviously not only has a wonderful personality ....
On the teeth front, I have finally made it a week without painkillers. Today was my return to the tooth fairy! Not a pleasant visit but although I waited with trepidation for the injection to wear off and the pain to begin, all is quiet and pain free still. Its such a relief. Anyway, I have a couple more visits with her for gum cleaning or whatever so the sorry saga of Tells and her teef is not over yet.
We watched a really funny film this afternoon, called RV with Robin Williams. We got it cheap at Tescos last week in their sale. If anyone wants a giggle I recommend it.
God knows what I am doing sat here at this time. I have to be up early as Matthew has a scout "do" tomorrow and I have to drive him there. It sounds like a fun day for him, archery, shooting, football, this that and the other!
Anyway, must get myself up the wooden stairs. Wishing you all a happy week.
Terry x
I hope your computer problems are over, it is so bothersome when things don't work right. Take care and hope the 'teef' are all better soon! 'On Ya' - ma
Restore computer is always effective it seems a lot of people are having problems with aol. Glad to here your teething problems are getting better I had this for most of last year and the relief when it it all done is worth it.
Lots of juicy gossip at your work place then are this couple planning to stay together? Obviously still life in the old dog yet lol!!!
Oh those buttons! (winks) Glad to see you are up and running again....... As for the teeth, mine were in a brace for two years at the age of 45......... I look like something from the arm and hammer commericail now!
Keep well and enjoy Scouts day.
Glad you finally found your "Buttons" again...life`s just not good without them lol! up so late?? you were probably so amazed to be able to click and go where you wanted to! Hope you weren`t too tired this morning. have a good weekend.
luv bella xx
Hi Terry, I'm new to your journal. Got your link on Elainey's journal. Was wondering what jacket potatoes were, a prawn mayo? email me please, sounds yummy. Bethjunebug@aol.com
Liz in Va.
(((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))Its always sad when someone leaves work,specillay when you like smeone.I was thinking of buying that movie,maybe now I will.I hope you have nice day/week ahead.
So pleased we nearly at the completion of your treatment at the dentist and you can go to six monthly visits,taking the kids to their various activitys ,they have a better social life than you often ,dont they? lol ...love Jan xx
I was up late too.
Pleased to hear your teeth have settled down. We are just embracing a dentist into the family, if the relationship develops we are all hoping for film star teeth!!
Linda x.
Just dropping in to say hello friend. Tammy
one of my teeth fell apert at the weekend.Oh the joys of life.Beckie.xx
Hello Tells - i lurve office drama, bet you all had a good titter at that! Glad to hear that the teef are on the up and not out! I wanted to make a post while i was at work last week, but saw that the buttons were missing too ..... wots going on?!!
Have a good week.
Luv Jaynee x
Terry, so glad your fangs have finally settled!!! It's about time you got some relief. How amazing about your work scandal!!! See, they says its the quiet ones you gotta watch!!!
Hope you have a pain free week with your choppers!
Wendy in Oz
Glad your teef are getting less painful. I had to laugh about the old guy at work....he obviously has something!! Love Conniexx
i can only imagine the shock of some older man having a baby with someone young and gorgeous at your job.....such scandal!
Glad your PC is working right again.
Hi Terry
thank you for your lovely comment and I hope you have a lovely romantic time on your own anniversary, I sure I'm still only 25 you know, how the time flies (sigh) lol.....
Oh thanks for the lovely print I can now read so well. I can't wait for you to begin posting like mad now. I am so glad you are becoming pain free. Now that I have gone off sugar on my vegan diet my gums have gotten considerably better. There is nothing like 'teef' trouble. I must say ta ta now as it is time for American Idol
Gerry http://journals.aol.com/gehi6/daughters-of-the-shadow-men/
Terry, thanks for your journal link, I put you on my alerts, hope you enjoy my journal as well, Hugs Lisa
Yesterday when I was trying to add an entry, I was having a hard time "finding" the right buttons! I'm pretty sure it's an AOL issue, so I'm going to sit tight and not throw any fits the next time I try to work on my journal :o)
I hope your teeth are doing well~~ In my book, teeth pain is the WORST!!!!
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