Saturday, 3 March 2007

ah ha!

Here I am again, managed to sneak in by the back door as I still haven't got my blimming button (ha ha Gaz!).  A woman without her button is like a ship without the sea!

What can I say about this week?  Well, its been busy as usual with work and was stuck there last night too because everyone is sick and there was no-one to cover the overtime.  Then the most horrendous journey home because of signal problems, arggghhh! 

Never mind, I was up at the crack of dawn today and have already been out and got some shopping.  I am very popular because I came home with hot cross buns and cakes.

Today Matthew is being on his absolutely best behaviour.  This will probably last until we go and get the game I have promised him this afternoon but in the meantime my wish is his command, hmmm perhaps I should delay going until really late this afternoon?  After the dog bite his nose is not healing that great, mainly I think because he keeps fiddling with it.  Methinks I shall have to make that a condition of getting the game.  I went to his school one evening this week, where they discussed his options.  They don't take GCSEs at his school but do take another form of exam.  He is the youngest in his class and he'll be 14 at the end of August.  I think this all kicks off next year.  There are some mandatory subjects but also a lot of sporty things, which he is opting to do.  I am going to try to organise myself more at weekends and try to get him into more sports clubs.  At the moment its crazy because I have to keep going into work on a Sunday so I am doing 6 day weeks.  Hopefully this will all calm down soon.

Rosie is fine too.  This week we'll go to the orthodontist and she'll start her brace treatment.  She has to have a tooth out in the next week or so and its terrible timing after her seeing me with all my problems after having mine out.  I have explained to her that its because I had an infection etc., etc., and I am hoping she will heal up quicker than I have.  She is looking forward to getting her front tooth straightened though, so hopefully she'll keep thinking of the end result.  She seems to have really settled down at school now.  Things are not always that great with her and her old best friend but she has made friends with other girls now and I don't get the phone calls from her at every break time.  My heartused to miss a beat when I saw her number flash up and then heard her poor little flat voice saying hello.  She also seems to be settling down to her homework a bit more.  Its such a big transition changing from primary to senior school.  In her case, she is now catching a train and walking to school whereas this time last year we were still cautious about letting her walk to the school in the village.  The school is really large (approx 160 girls in the first year) and the village school was very small and everyone knew everyone.  We had a lot of problems getting her into this secondary school and this time last year we had a lot of tears because she didn't get in when we first applied.  We had gone all round looking at the schools she was eligible to get and when the letter came she was allocated our third choice, which we only put down because we didn't think they would possible allocate it.  We felt really punched in the teeth when we were given that.  Happily all worked out well in the end for her.  However, I still remember that awful disappointment and helplessness we felt.  We even put in for an official appeal and my boss at work (a solicitor) was going to present it for us.  Luckily we managed to get a place on the third run-off on places.  I do feel for the children and parents who may have lost out on their preferred places for secondary school this year.  Its hard to be a parent!  I have gone on a bit here, but it was very emotive and frustrating at the time.

Onwards and upwards though, the kitchen is still being stripped out.  Mr Enthusiastic has now taken off all the tiles and we are moving things into our living room ready for the big rip out.  I have ordered my new washing machine and tumble drier and so everything we can organise is almost complete.  I will try to get some photos of before and after on here but as I am having so many other problems with AOL at the moment, I am not even going near the picture putting on part!

I have heard from my friend at work who has gone to New Zealand.  It seems she is having a fabulous time and enjoying the rest now she has left our mad house at work. 

The rest of us at work are all getting very excited about the wedding of one of our friends.  She has been off on maternity leave and will be back a month and then she is getting married.  We are all planning to stay in hotels near to the venue.  I have reserved a room with breakfast at the Holiday Inn but have seen a better deal at a travel lodge but without breakfast, so am making my mind up what to do.  I don't really need posh, I shall only be using it overnight.  There is a posh hotel that a lot of them want to book into but I don't think that will be for me. 

Anyway, I have waffled on enough.  I hope everyone has had a good week.

Hugs to all.

Terry x


Anonymous said...

You have been busy and working 6 days is not easy.  I often do miss the busy days that having children in the house bring.  Now I only have those days on holidays or special occasions.  I know you will love the new kitchen, it seems a long time in coming.  Hope you get your buttons back soon !  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

That is crazy about the I said mine was gone for like a second and then it was back..LOL at the back door back door for me... ;-)

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))seems like some are having puter problem,I was at one time,but now.Hope everyone gets it all fixed.I am glad to hear Rosie is doing better and that Matthew is doing good to.I hope He feel better from His bite.have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

So many people have lost buttons ,What is going on ,every time AOL  do an add on ,we break down wish they would leave well alone ,lol You dont need posh I know what yop mean Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Terry, Have a great weekend !!!!!!!!!! Hugs Lisa

Anonymous said...

Wow what a weekend! I suggest you hang off buying the game a bit longer, though I suspect, that you have got it by now!!!
Glad your  chocolate buttons are working now.
G ;-)

Anonymous said...

wow you've had a busy week, at least you can get online now.
glad the kitchen is moving along how are you manageging anyway.
go for the cheaper option I stay with travel lodge quite a bit and they,re fine, now you just got to plan your outfit!!



Anonymous said...

Good luck with the kitchen, every one we have done I have said its the last time but I still seem to come back for more.

Anonymous said...

I haven't lost buttons but can't add pictures. I shall have another go tomorrow.

Glad to hear Rosie is settling in to her new school.

Linda x.

Anonymous said...

i hate to speak too soon but my journal is working at the mo, althoiugh i cant get an entry in cus ty is on one today bless him!Beckie.x

Anonymous said...

glad to hear the kids are doing sound so busy! I wish AOL would work as it is supposed to and not always have some malfunction.
Hugs, lisa

Anonymous said...

I sympathise with kitchen as having to re do old house I bought last week and its a lot of work ...
As a book lover it would be right up your street as it is near Hay on Wye ..

Anonymous said...

Hmm, haven't been to iyour blog for a while, but see you are posting.  That is good.  Oh, I remember so well agonizing over a lot of school problems.  Seems like you do that a lot when you got kids going to school.  It's what matters!  Look forward to the photos of afterwards.  I always enjoy your comments and visits.  Gerry