Saturday, 28 April 2007

Flipping 'eck, I am baking bread

Well here I am again on a sunny Saturday morning.  Oh yeh, I have been baking bread!  Just got it out of the oven and feel very earth motherly here.  Its a bread without yeast and was supposed to be cheese and apple but I didn't have an apple, so its cheese and onion.  Now it looks like a brick with cheese and onion it it!  I will take a picture and let you know what its like.

My tiler was supposed to come today, hmmmm, he has not turned up and I think he will not be coming!  I have left a message on his answerphone but hey, its a sunny day, can't be stressing about it, it will get done (hmmm, it had better we have paid for the blimming tiles up front to him).  He made a lovely job of our floor, so I'll be patient.

I have put a lovely picture up of Rosie when we visited Seaworld a couple of years ago.  Its one of my favourites.  A happy picture for a happy day.

By the way, Matthew had a wonderful time on his trip to Salcombe, Devon.  They stayed on an old ferry and he came back with a real healthy glow about him and said it was his best holiday ever, ahhh!  He is off to a camp with Scouts next weekend for the bank holiday - its a scout's camp not too far away and they will even have a fair there on the Saturday night.  He certainly gets around what with the school trips and scouts.

Well, had to break off as Rosie got up and wanted to try the bread.  I did get a photo before it was cut and am eating some myself.  Hmm, its not bad and quite tasty.  Think I'll do this one again.

This week has been rather fraught at work.  They tried to give me an extra person to work for and I had to be quite firm that I simply could not take on anyone else.  I got quite fed up about it but luckily my other bosses supported me and it was sorted out the same day.  It has left a nasty taste though and I hope I'll be left alone for a while now.  With trying to save money on wages they do not give us cover when we are away on holiday and try to make us work for as many as possible - there are not enough hours in the day as it is at work and I am so pleased I managed to fend this one off.

We have decided to have a memorial evening in honour of Eileen and all the "old" girls of our firm will get together.  Hopefully we'll raise some money at the same time for the hospice she spent her last days in.

Wooopee Whoo, Martin has come back for the weekend.  He arrived at about 11.30 last night after a 5 hour drive.  He has the lovely Julia with him.  I didn't tell the kids and called them down (well, it was a Friday night) and Rosie's face was a picture when she saw her beloved big bro.  I don't know what decision he is going to make about the job but I hope he comes back home as we miss him so.

Well, off to go and eat some more of my bread ... have a great weekend everyone.

Hugs, Terry x


Anonymous said...

Your bread sounds lovely ,dripping with butter Mmm !Ido hope the tiler turns up ,you must be about done then ,Matthew has a better social life than you ,but then the kids do dont they ? with the Mums and Dads providing the taxis and funds lol Jan xx,

Anonymous said...

Your bread sounds heavenly and made with out yeast makes it all the easier to do.  You'll have to share the recipe with us all.  It sounds like an ideal way to spend a Saturday.  Glad you managed to not have that extra to do at work.  More and more places are pushing an overload of work at people and paying them less.  Enjoy the visit from Martin .  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Mmmm... that bread sounds very tasty!  Its a weakness of mine, fresh crusty bread. I can never have just one piece!!! Hope your tiler turns up too!  Good tradesman are hard to come by.  I know what you mean about work wanting you to do more with less - our place is just the same way - but there are only so many hours in a day!!! Anyway, enjoy your weekend with the kids... and save the crust for me!!!


Wendy in Oz

Anonymous said...

Home made bread is the best! Well done for the work bit if you don`t say then they pile it high and the stress that comes with it is not worth it! I`m proud of you!!
luv bella xx

Anonymous said...

Ohhh...I can smell your bread from here!  Well, perhaps that's an exaggeration, but I really wish I could!  I Love hmemade bread, warm from the oven, with cold butter melting into it's yeasty might not live by bread alone, but my oh my, it does help to make life better, especially when it's homemade!

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))I love home made bread.Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Bread looks good I can smell it from here! Cheesy bread yum yum...but it is a good job I am not there as I would be tempted to eat it and I am sure that it is my love of bread that has made me so huge! Love Conniex

Anonymous said...

Baking your own bread, what's the matter, have the supermarkets run out down there? lol.

Have a lovely weekend.

Linda x.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmmm, souns good to me, and you are doing all this before the kitchen is finished, we will have to re name ya Delia!
Gaz lolol

Anonymous said...

Thats what having a new kitchen does to you, you'll have to send us the recipe for the bread. A memmorial night for Ellen sounds great what were you planning on doing? Good for you standing up for yourself at work.


Anonymous said...

The memorial for Eileen sounds like a good idea. I have a bread making machine and should use it but I am not very good at baking...............Jules xxx

Anonymous said...

This is a very lovely photo of Rosie and the dolphin.  The colors are so brilliant. Photos are so great now days.  But I do enjoy one along with an entry.  I am thinking of making either bread or vegan carrot cake tomorrow which has no sugar or fat in it but it is delicious!  Unsweetened applesauce and choppped dates and raisins provide the sweet.  Your bread sounds very tasty as I don't think there is anything quite like home made bread.   Glad to catch up on your life agin.  Gerry

Anonymous said...

That bread sounds lovely ~ can almost smell it baking :o) ~ hope your Tiler turns up ~ I loved that picture of Rosie ~ Glad you put your foot down about working for another person ~ sounds like you have more than enough to do already ~ The memorial evening for Eileen sounds like a good idea I hope you make lots of money for the hospice ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

i have never baked homemade bread before so i bet yours was delicious! Hope all is well..dont work too hard.

Anonymous said...

have you got a bread machine or do you do it in the oven, i was thinking of getting a machine but i dont know if they are any good?The tiler would come round if you wafted the smell of bread out the window.Beckiexx