Thursday, 17 May 2007

this, that and the other


Ok, here is a little picture to tease you ... more pictures to come ... I can only seem to get one in at a time and need to take some more now the kitchen is almost complete.

Hmmm, today lady boss called me into talk about my rise and told me it made no difference how long anybody had been at our firm ... we will all get the same money.  That told me then!  Told her then that she had her opinion on what she thought was fair and I had mine.  Funny, really as I haven't made any official complaint, they are the ones that keep on about it!  The new girl is quite nice and I actually do like her ... but I am still peed off that she is earning the same as me, so there!!!

I can't tell you how pleased I am that I am not at work tomorrow.  Yay, although I only have tomorrow off because I have to take Rosie to have the brace fitted.  Brace day at last!  She is not at all nervous although she realises that she will be feeling some pain while it settles down.  I am going to meet her from school at lunch time and we will be ladies who lunch and then plan to have a good time looking round the charity shops before we go for her appointment at 3pm. I must also make an appointment for myself first thing at the doctors because I almost run out of my blood pressure tablets and I don't want to go bang.  Its almost impossible to get an appointment to get my blood pressure read with the doctor!  She is booked up weeks ahead for goodness sake.  The receptionist told me 2 weeks ago that I would have to phone tomorrow and say that it was urgent that I saw the doctor, what a palarva!!

I had some great news at Matthew's school when I went for the parent's evening.  As you know he attend a moderate learning school and I was amazed and proud to be told that they think he may be able to take an English GCSE.  My Barb would be so proud.  I had a little tear in my eye.  I wasn't so pleased though to be told that he was king of the belchers in one particular class.  He has been taking advantage of a young, new teacher.  I was amazed that she hadn't even contacted me about it.  Now I know, I can confirm that his reign is now over!

I had to dash out the other evening to get him some new school trousers.  He is growing at a rate of knots and is now 5ft 9inches with size 9 feet.  Oh god, he is going to grow out of his bunk bed and then what will I do?  He is very slim with a 28 inch waist so men's trousers are no good as even a 30 inch swims round his waist.  In the end I managed to find some lovely, easy care ones from Matalan for only £7 each, which have buttons with elastic tags with cut outs in which you can pull tight ... thank you Matalan!

Great excitement here ... Mr Enthusiastic has put my new switches and plugs on in the kitchen ... one left to put on, watch this space.

Martin is coming back this weekend and the children are really looking forward to seeing him.  I hope we have a good weekend together.

Right, off to do some wishy washy.

Hugs, Terry x


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So don't agree with your company policy. I like our system at school. There are grades for Teaching Assistants. The more your knowledge and courses attended the more you do in your work, the higher the grade. But within those grades there is something called a spinal point (?). You start and your are on the lowest point within your grade, each year the point will go up, so newcomers don't earn the same as old timers, which seems fair to me.

Hope the brace goes alright and that you have a good weekend.

Linda x.

Anonymous said...

Love the kitchen! Rosie will be living on soup n soft stuff for a few days till she get`s used to the brace. It will all be worth it in the end. OMG Matthew is tall and weel done on the English. take care and enjoy the girlie day.
luv bella xx

Anonymous said...

I do like your kitchen.  Very cheerful and bright.  I have one son that is 6foot 4 inches and I really think at times he is still growing.  He'll be 30 this summer so I guess he has reached his growth.  He did sleep at an angle in his bed for several years.  That helped.  Now of course he's married and has his own home and opted for the king size version.   Tall and slim is not an easy fit so I'm glad you were able to find some.  Glad you have off -- enjoy your day!  'On Ya' -ma

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSOYOU))))))))))))))))))Nice pic.I hope your daughter is not into much pain when She goes to the Doctors.Have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSOYOU))))))))))))))))))Nice pic.I hope your daughter is not into much pain when She goes to the Doctors.Have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

Nothing more frustrating than when your work, efforts and time put in are not recognized or rewarded.  I hope that you all have a lovely weekend together!

Anonymous said...

Yes your picture is teasing me ,your kitchen is so lovely ,and worth all the upheaval,I agree with you about the wage situation ,but you have to accept it ,by the looks of it,great when you find clothes to fit these growing young uns ,Have a good weekend with them all Jan xx

Anonymous said...

With all the trouble we get at work my boss has been told he has too many members of staff and needs to cut back, I cant belive it, we are over stretched and have recently found out that people working in a co op shop up the road has a higher wage than we do?is this legal?im not sure but it really pisses us off.Beckie,xx

Anonymous said...

Love the kitchen pic Terry!  Hope Rosie's braces aren't too painful for long and great news about Matthew.

Have a great weekend.


Wendy in oz

Anonymous said...

the kitchen is lovely Terry, really lovely. My Anthony had braces and although he had a little pain it wasn't too much. It was worth it in the end because he has beautiful teeth now..............Jules xxxx

Anonymous said...

Kitchen is lovely or what I could see of it. Take some more photos.....That is good news about matthew. They must think he has a good chance by putting him in for it....good lad! Love Conniex

Anonymous said...

It looks great...looking forward to seeing more.  Hope you have a lovely weekend...hugs,

Anonymous said...

you have a gorgeous looking kitchen!

Anonymous said...

OH!!! you have the washer and dryer that I want... do you like them??? how long have you had them??? do they work good??? do tell!!! LOL... lisa

Anonymous said...

Kitchens looking good girl...... We need to go shopping for the accessories!
Gaz ;-)

Anonymous said...

They do grow fast sometimes!  Glad you found something that'll work for him, and, theoretically, he'll wear.  Girls can get particular:)  LOVE the kitchen photo!!  Looking quite fab there.

Anonymous said...

Hello friend. Just wanted to let you know of a new journal. All are welcome! Thanks, Tammy

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment on my journal. Norm I don't complain, but wonder how some people actually make ends meet. Looks like you are decorating, looks nice. Kids can really suprise ya, the belcher thing! lol New to your journal, will check back... have a great week. Janie

Anonymous said...

Is that a cat in your washing machine?

Anonymous said...

I had to check down through your comments to make sure I had not already commented on this entry although I did not think I had, even though it was posted some days ago.  I can't wait to see the pics of the remodeled kitchen.  My nurse sister sent me a blood pressure kit I just love.  It is Doc's favorite toy.  And it wold sort of irk one to have a new person receive the exact same salary.  Gerry  By the way I did finally see a story on the kidnapped child of the vacationing British parents.  I felt so bad. So bad.  I can just picture the nightmare for the little girl as well as for the parents.