Such friendships we make through our journals. Even though we haven't met each other our lives intertwine.
Tonight I have learned that I have lost my good friend Jim I have been worried as I haven't heard from him for a while and his wife emailed in response to one of my messages to him today and told me he had passed away in May. If you have never read his journal, please go and read and enjoy it before it goes off line ... he was such fun and a very cheeky man. I really enjoyed reading his journal and sharing emails with him. I feel so sad that he has gone. God bless you Jim, you were fun! His email was halliday0957 and I think it would be comforting if you knew Jim if you could e-mail his wife before she closes the account.
Hugs, Terry x
I used to chat to a guy once and one day got an e mail from his daughter to say he died of a heart attack, I was mortified. Hopefully aol will keep his blog on for a while so people can read it in loving memory.
Gaz xxxx
He used to email me to ,always called me Janjeadie lol I explained it to him many times ,I will miss his cheeky but lovable emails and entrys ,Thank you for letting us know Jan xx
How truly sad. I said a prayer for him just now. Thank you sweet lady for informing us.
I didn't know Jim, but it was nice that his wife let you know what happened. It's sad when we loose a friend, and being on the internet has multipled my friends many times over. We do wonder what happens when suddenly there is no word.
'On Ya' - ma
((((((((((HUGstOYOU)))))))))))))))))))))))))I am sorry for your loss.You and his family will be in my prayers.
Oh Terry, I'm so very sorry.
Oh, I am really sorry to hear this. I had wondered where he was as I had him on my list of alerts. So sad to hear this. I will send his wife a message.
Oh thats such a shame, just gos toprove how short life is though, Beckie.xx
That`s so sad to think that he`s passed away. nice of his wife to e mail you.
take care
luv bella xx
Oh, I am sad. I had read a lot of his journal and got a big kick out of his sense of humor and how he described his trials and tribulations, especially his falls. That was fast, but that last fall of his sounded horrendous. He seemed to take his kids' trials very hard. I am so glad you posted this before she took it off line. I would have had to ask you what happened to him, as he has not posted for quite a long time. I knew that you visited him, too. Gerry
Was told by Gerry (gehi6) that Jim has passed away, and I'm very, very sad. We'll never hear the full story now. Jim, Rest in Peace.
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