Saturday, 7 July 2007

Crazy times

Heres a picture of the teachers from my primary school.  Oh its so funny that Mr Scott, the small man in the middle, was my headmaster.  He was a real tyrant and I never realised he was so small.  I know the picture is small but I don't know how to make it bigger.  Mr Scott sent me home from school when I was 10 for talking.  Thinking back it was lucky my mum was at home that day.  What an old s**. 

Washing machine and tumble drier going like crazy, radio on in kitchen and Live Earth on TV.  Trying to make toasted sandwiches and blimming fuse has gone on sandwich maker .... ooooh. 

This week has been ok.  Mainly getting up and going to bed again, ha ha.  I had Monday off with Matthew as he had an inset day.  Martin came back on Thurs and he has left his job.  I hope he finds some peace now.  He seems much more under control and I think he has got an interview next week.

Rosie went and had her brace tightened yesterday.  Her front tooth, which was so twisted, is looking really good and that is just after a couple of months.  I am really pleased.

The children now only have 2 weeks left at school before they break up for the summer hols. I can't wait until the surprise holiday, which is on the 10th August.

I met an old "friend" yesterday and spent the whole lunch hour listening to her woes.  I say friend but I use that lightly.  I never contact her as I have always found her very shallow.  She even tried to get me to give her a reference on my company's paper when it is certainly not my place to do that and there is no way I am putting my job on the line for her.  I don't think she asked me once how things were with me or mine.  Some people are so self centred they make me mad.  I remember when my mum died, she called me and I thought how nice but she did not mention my mum once only her building plans!  Health wise she is fine but she can't seem to find a job she likes and that had led to her unhappiness.  Blimey, I don't like my job that much but it pays the bills.  She always has been a very selfish person.  I asked about her daughter who is 15 but she had no interest in telling me much about her.  Her daughter has been doing very badly at school, despite being a very clever girl.  Over the last couple of years, my friend left her husband for 6 months as she wasn't getting on with him.  She didn't take her child.  She has returned to him now.  My friend, despite having the money, hasn't been on holiday for years.  I said to her, why don't you take .... away, just for a couple of days the two of you, it would bring you closer.  No, not interested in doing that.  I feel so sorry for her child.  How awful to have a self obsessed mother.  I have gone on here but she is so lucky to have a child and is wasting all opportunities to do things with her.  She'll be gone and I suppose then she'll say, oh she never visits me.  I left her feeling thoroughly depressed and very sad for her daughter.

Oh well.

Phil Collins singing on Live Earth.  Why he feels the need to swear whilst singing Invisible Touch I don't know.  What a idiot.

Oh well, off to see what I can do for the kids' lunch.

Hugs to all.





Anonymous said...

I got a friend just like that I don't why I bother just a bad habit i've got into, some people are just so self absorbed. Glad to hear Martins home hopefully will settle down a bit, but it will take time, good to hear he already has an interview. Like the school photo it's amazing how big they seem when your little, oh school days. At least you have your holiday looming something nice to look forward to

Take care

Yasmin xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Terry!  I had forgotten about Live Earth being on so have now turned it on thanks to your timely reminder!!!  I wish people would stop swearing on the telly altogether!  I don't really see the need for it ever!  Your story about your friend reminds me of a friend I have.  For years I put up with her and her terrible moods etc.  Alot of people wondered why I put up with her at all, but every once in awhile I got a glimpse of the lovely person she could have been if only ... she found out about 6 years ago that she was a manic depressive and was put on medication for that and has become the lovely person I always knew she could be.  I'm really glad I was able to stick with her through the years, bad and good.  I prayed for her for many years and sometimes I think that is the is really hard to dislike someone you are praying for!  Have a great Saturday!  My, but it's good to be back!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like that friend needs to be shown the door. I am btoo old to be bothered with people who do not make me feel happy. I would be busy next time she rings. She will soon get the message.Just switched on Live Earth thanks for the reminder! Love Conniex

Anonymous said...

Haha... Terri this is amazing! We were just in the car on the way home from the pictures listening to Phil Collins on Live Earth and heard him swear during Invisible Touch and both John and I looked at each other and said "why would he say that"? Amazing that we are 12,000 miles apart and heard the same thing at the same time...and thought the same thing!!! hahaha....

Sorry to hear about your nephew Martin's troubles, but hopefully things will start to look up for him now.  Its always much easier to deal with lifes down times when you are surrounded by loved ones as he will be now.  I am sure he will be fine.

Braces are amazing things aren't they!  I know when Chris & Matt had them, I couldn't believe what a difference they made in such a short time!  At least all the money appears worth it!!!

I have had 'friends' like you describe too and they are and always will, remain the same.  They really only feed off of drama and sadness.  These kind will bring you down and leave you feeling like slashing your wrists!!! Better to 'catch up' once in a blue moon (for your sake more than hers!!!) But I figure we are getting some karma points by at least listening when no one else will!

Better get me to bed!!!  Enjoy your weekend.


Wendy in Oz

Anonymous said...

Hi Tells ....well it seems your friend has not changed much over the years then !  Its a pity that some people cannot see themselves for what they are, and the wonderful times they could be having.
You sound well and happy i hope its the sunshine today making you feel good.
Take care, Luv Jaynee x

Anonymous said...

Its lovely to meet up with old friends ..but not ones that want to conduct a one way conversation ,and treat you to all the delights of their lives ,without a care how you are ,pleased Rosies brace is working ,and that Martin is getting over his problems ..take care of you ,you seem to be looking out for everyone else lol Jan xx

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))Looks like everything is going well.I hope you have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

I knew Martin would find the solution and he will feel a whole lot better now, friends like that always leave you feeling like you did today, the worse thing about her type the person she hears is herself, no matter what happens in your life. The good thing is terry we all listen when you write so I hope thats chased away how she left you feeling take care huny!
luv bella x

Anonymous said...

I feel like I am in your home with you..I love that!!..
have a good weekend

Anonymous said...

glad the tooth is looking better.....i know lots of self centered women...we have a few here in J Land....and i am glad you dont have to talk to her all the time....funny how no matter how old we are we always remember the mean teachers huh? Love to you,lisa jo

Anonymous said...

Hi Terry, your friend sounds a bit like one of mine. She never really talks about anything else but herself - my friend chose not to have children because she said she wouldnt have time for anyone else but herself - spose she is truthful! Laine xx

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh Terry, I am surprised that you lasted that long with your 'freind' I get so bored with people like that they just make me want to say something just to anoy them, that's me though!
Gaz ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hope Martin soon finds a job and sorts out his life.

OMG! While I was just writing this Mike went to the door to a Jehovah's Witness, our second today!! As soon as the chap said hello, Mike was in like a shot  and said 'No thank you, we don't believe in God' The chap said 'You don't believe in God!'
Mike replied 'That's right, we tried it once and didn't like it'

This made me think, don't encourage Martin to go for any Cold Call Sales jobs, there are some very rude people about!! lol.

Linda x.