Thank you all so much for your comforting messages about what happened here yesterday
Here I am on this Thursday night after all the trauma of yesterday. Billy seems a lot better today but still a bit sore I think but tail wagging more and all is calm in our household. Paul and I are keeping a close eye to him but Billy seems to be getting over what happened and although I think he got hurt in the fracas I think a few days rest and quiet will get rid of his stiffness. We slept downstairs last night and amazingly I got a good night's sleep ... I was exhausted I think. I haven't cried for a long time and had several wailing sessions yesterday.
Work was nice today. We had a departmental lunch to welcome someone back from secondment and to say goodbye to another who will be leaving tomorrow. It was all very nice with jolly good company. We sat outside in the garden of a local pub near our office and they do say theres no such thing as a free lunch ... hmmm, well I got one today and a nice long lunch hour.
Yesterday was also grotty at work because our supervisor called me in and said other girls had complained about the loudness of one of the new girls in our group. Honestly, she is only asking questions etc., and she is actually a really nice person and works hard and has really got her head around the job very quickly. I said to the supervisor that I thought the other girls were being bitchy ... and thats what I truly believe.
Anyway, Friday tomorrow and the last day at school for both Matthew and Rosie. I can't believe the school year has gone by so quickly. We now have a lovely summer holiday to look forward to and lots of fun .... hopefully things can only improve, eh?
This weekend I intend to get some of this stuff out of the house ... lots of clothes that the kids don't need any more will be going to the charity shop toot sweet! I need all the room I can get with Martin back. Martin has two interviews tomorrow, so keep your fingers crossed that he finds something that suits him soon. He seems to be on more of an up now.
Audrey over the road is not too good. I am very worried about her and will try to spend a bit of time with her this weekend. I took her to the local nursery the other weekend and it cheered her up no end.
Hugs to you all and thanks again for being there for me.
Terry x
Glad everything is getting better between, Hub and Doggie........... Gaz xxxx
HI Tells Im glad that Billy and hubby are better! I've got loads of kids clothes to sort out - Must do it you reminded me! Laine xx
So pleased to hear Paul and Billy are recovering well ,it must have been upsetting for all of you ,well done speaking up for the girl ,good luck withe sorting Jan xx
I'm glad that Billy seems better and that you also got some rest. I know you are looking forward to that summer holiday. It's always nice to have a break. Work will seem a little better after that. It always does. 'On Ya' - ma
((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))))I am so glad Billy is doing better.I am glad you got some rest.Have a nice weekend.
my son is getting ready to start BACk to school!
i know all about bitchy coworkers.....ugh, i hate it! I am glad the dog is better and that you had a nice lunch too. love,lisa
So glad that Billy seems better and that you got a good night's sleep! I hope you have a lovely summer holiday! You sound like a lovely neighbor to have. When we lived in Chester none of our neighbours ever talked to us and then we moved down here and I have no neighbours, really, although I do have plenty of lovely scenery to look at!
Terry, I really hope you have a great weekend. After such a topsy turvy week you deserve a little rest and relaxation! Glad everything is settling down with Billy (and Paul!!) and hope that everything continues smoothly there! Counting down till holiday time!!!
Wendy in Oz
I am glad Billy seems better ~ and glad you got a good rest ~ hope Paul is OK ~ Sounds like you had a good lunch and a nice time with your workmates ~ Lovely you have that Holiday to look forward to ~ good luck to Martim with his interviews ~ Hope your Neighbour Audrey will be OK it is sweet of you to be concerned about her ~ Ally x
I'm glad to hear that Billy's doing a lot better today. Things just happen sometimes, but ack! :) I'll even give my cat, Billy, an extra snuggle or scratch tonight, just b/c.
Glad alls well, Hope Martin`s intervies went well, and it`s good to clear the clutter. And I agree the others are just bitching and might even be a tad jealous! have a good weekend.
luv bella x
Hi Tells - have a lovely weekend, glad Paul and Billy are both fine, but you must keep an eye on him. Good luck to Martin and the interviews, and well done for sticking up for the new girl - you are jus fab x
Luv Jaynee x
glad tings are looking up, i always have a clear out and intend to tske stuff to the charity shop, it just never gets there then i end up keeping it!Beckiexx
Its scary when a pet turns on you like that for no obvious reason, my parents used to have a jack russell, during the day he was fine with both of them but come the night time when my mum would be last in bed, he would growl and snap at her, he had managed to bite her on the hand a few times as well. They can be very territorial and as far as he was concerned mum's place was on the sofa and his was her side of the bed lol, glad that both Billy and Paul are ok and that you are getting over it
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