Sunday, 2 September 2007

Back from holiday

Here I am on a lovely and sunny Sunday and back from my hols.  No, I am not even going to mention the washing today, tee hee. 

We had a wonderful time on this break away to Hemsby in Norfolk.  It didn't start so well well I picked up the keys to our apartment (or compartment as Matthew kept calling it).  When I opened the door it stank of damp.  Even worse, there was no carpet on the floor just filthy looking floorboards and when I went into the bedrooms it had black patches on the wall and when I touched the walls they felt wet.  I couldn't believe it.  I went stomping back to the reception and asked to see the manager.  She told me that there was nothing else!  What, I had driven 3 and a half hours and I felt myself getting very angry.  Eventually, after half an hour, she came up with another apartment and thankfully this one was perfect.  I intend to write to them and make a complaint.  It completely ruined the beginning of the holiday.  I was just so glad my sister wasn't with us as she joined us on Sunday.  Our car was already packed out ... imagine if she had been dropped with all her stuff and was waiting for us and then we had to drive home ... Ooooh.

We had a very busy time, visiting lots of beaches and lots of fun fairs.  We even managed to find a car boot.  The only day that was miserable was Friday and then we amused ourselves by going round a caravan park and looking at the ones for sale.  I would like to buy one but I know I'd never have time to go there and also the drive would be too much.

Chris was wonderful company and it was nice for her as she finished work on Friday and it took her mind off it all.  She ended up quite happy with her package from work and I think in a way it is relief for her not to have to get up early in the morning and struggle with the blimming trains any more.

I won the bingo twice, almost £85, which we shared and it paid for a lot of treats.

Matthew was hard work at times and didn't want to smile for the camera much, hmmmmm, age related or what?  He was 14 on Friday and you can see his little cake. 

I haven't got much time to write much today as so much to do but thought I'd share some photos with you.  I have 665 alerts, eeek.  I promise I will catch up with all soon.

Hugs and kisses to you all.

Tells x


Anonymous said...

I see you made it to my very favorite place to be -- the BEACH!  Thankfully everything turned out all right for your holiday.  Those people should be ashamed offering an apartment like the 1st one.  Maybe they'll clean up before trying to put another unknowing soul in there.  I think I'd be like your sister If I was offered a package at this point in my life retirement doesn't sound bad at all. However, I don't think there is much chance of that.  I hope your little break left you all refreshed and renewed to go back to work.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Ihave happy memories of Hemsby,a girl friend and Iwent for a week some years ago ,Ican imagine the washing ,oh and the ironing ugh !so pleased they were able to find another apartment for you ,you have some lovely looking kids Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Well judging by the photos, it looks like you all had a wonderful time!  The kids look happy and you look very relaxed!  Good to see! My sympathies are with you now that the kids are becoming 'moody teenagers'!!!  I have 3 of them - God help me, some days are just sooooo hard to deal with!!!  But, I just keep telling myself 'its only a phase' - doesn't really help me but sometimes diverts my attention from wanting to strangle!!!!

Anyway, good on you for complaining about the room! Bloody cheek! Expecting you to stay in a mouldy old room!  Glad you got that sorted early and it didn't ruin your trip. And BINGO twice!!!!  Well Done!  I'm so glad you all had a good time and I really loved the photos too.

Now don't go mad with the washing and ironing and then feel like you've never been away two days after you're back! pretend you're still on holidays for the weekend!


Wendy in Oz

Anonymous said...

i loved the pics! And I am glad you stood your ground and got a new apartment...that was an awful way to start your holiday though...
good luck with the washing..;-)

Anonymous said...

How lucky you were with the weather! It vlooks as if you all had a great time! Good job you demanded another disgusting to offer you one in such a mess! Love Conniex

Anonymous said...

Looked like you had a great time. Glad you sorted out the 'compartment' too ;-)
Gaz  xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Tells....... so glad you had a lovely time after an awful start with the 'compartment'.... tee hee.....i liked that comment !!   Pics are fab, you all look happy - and well done on the bingo ha!
Luv Jaynee xx

Anonymous said...

the kids look so happy and are good looking, like their sweet glad you went and got a decent apt finally and got to relax!!! I hate never seems to end.

Anonymous said...

BINGO! when i was on hiliday I won 2.50 and I had to share it!! bummer.Lovely pics too, smiley happy faces always cheer up a monday morning, now get on with that washing! Lol! Luv Beckie x

Anonymous said...

You look as if you all had a good time, know how you feel about the washing we just landed back fromm Greece this morning don`t even want to open my cases!! Glad you sorted your apartment out good for you!
luv bella xxx