Sunday, 21 October 2007

Here I am!

Hmmm, I have been so busy lately I just can't keep up, at the moment looking at 835 alerts and so am slow on commenting!

All is ok here but since I was ill I have been running around catching my tail.  I also got it into my head that I'd maybe like to get a caravan for us for our hols.  There was an absolute bargain - or so I was told - that got my juices going and I was bitterly disappointed when I saw it and it was really awful.  I drove the length and breadth of Essex a couple of Saturdays ago looking at caravans and caravan sites.  Since then, I have also been scouring adverts and realise that I probably can't afford one anyway which is sad.  I had visions of a little home from home that I could disappear to.  Some of them are on sites that cost over £3,000 site fees a year.  I just don't know how people can afford that plus the council tax, insurance etc.  So, at the moment although I am enjoying looking I know I can't touch!   We'll just have to rent a caravan again next time. 

Work has been manic.  The new lady who joined us is having terrible problems as she has just split up from her partner, who she was looking forward to retiring with next year.  She has also got the virus I had and collapsed in tears last week and couldn't cope with all the pressure.  Luckily her doctor has given her 2 weeks off and I hope she'll be able to get herself calmer and make some decisions about her future with the space away from work.  However, this leaves us all in the pooh as we have to cover her job, which she was quite behind on too.  One of her bosses is leaving  and her room needs sorting, files putting away etc.  Oh well!  I went into work yesterday and did 10 hrs overtime clearing it but still a lot to do but can't bear the thought of going in today while the sun is shining.  Also, I have tomorrow off with the children as its half term, so my poor friends have to cover me too.

I am a great great auntie.  Mia was born this week but I am not sure if I can get a photo on.  My great niece had to have a caesarian in the end and we are looking forward to meeting the newest member of our family tomorrow when she gets home.  She was born the same day as Connie's little grandson, Milo, ahhhhh.

Martin starts back at Tescos on Nov 5th.  I hope it works out for him.  He didn't go back to the other job .... he hatedit there.  He was supposed to get up and do a car boot today to get rid of some of his stuff but hmmm its nearly quarter to two and he is still asleep.  Rosie and I were up with the lark and I was sad to just miss a bargain bike up the car boot by half an hour!  I have decided that I need some exercise, so my next project now that the caravan buying has come to an abrupt end is that I will get myself a bike.  I will leave no stone unturned until I get myself back on wheels.  I can see myself sylph like already.

Meanwhile, most exciting event of the weekend is that I have got a new iron.  I have just had a quick go but am not that impressed, the ironing is no more fun with it! 

So, dear friends wishing you all a lovely sunny Sunday as it is here!

Hugs, Tells x



Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS ,Great Aunty ,I just love new babies (other peoples )gosh you no sooner get over your virus than your in the thick of it again with work ,we just sold our caravan at a big loss ,it was on a fishing lake ,and We used it as a retreat when I was at work ,dont have ground rent to pay any more phew Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your better,.however work still a bit of a grind. I also have been thinking of getting a bike thinking about it for 6 months i hope you have better luck than me..i'm still dreaming of being sylph


Anonymous said...

Send some sun to northern Scotland, it's dreich here. Have a good week


Anonymous said...

may i ask what a caravan is? I am sorry you were not able to get it. Sorry to hear that your coworker is going thru so much and you are working so much. It was SO nice to hear from you..i do miss you!! LOVE, lisa

Anonymous said...

What you call a caravan is what we call campers and I'm going to have one next year for sure.  Two of my children and their families have permanent campsites where they pay the lot rent for the year and I've reserved a site next to them for the spring.  It is a bit expensive, but as I rarely spend money on holidays, I think I will enjoy this to the fullest.  Years ago, we did this as a family when the children were young and every weekend April through October we would be at the campsite.  They loved it and so did I.  Too bad you had to give up on that.  Hope you find your 'wheels' and enjoy them.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

good to hear from you!
Don't work too hard...

Anonymous said...

I got a new iron with a stainless steel plate, that same day Mark used it and melted something all over it, I could of killed him!! Beckie x

Anonymous said...

I wondered where you were! There's alot going on at the moment, but the most important thing is the birth of baby Mia.

Gaz xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Glad to here you are doing better!  Yikes, what virus?

Anonymous said...

you think youve had an exciting weekend? ive just discovered a pattern on my kitchen roll,i know,its amazing !!! mwahhs zoe xx

Anonymous said...

Hiya Glad your back have missed you! Just delete all those alerts and start afresh lol.
luv bella xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Tells ..... sorry to hear you've been poorly....... bike?  what bike ?   stop talking about exercise, its jus not trendy !!!   lol...... shame about the caravan, know how you feel about it, i quite fancy having one myself !!
Luv Jaynee x

Anonymous said...

My goodness, you have been gone quite a while if you have 800 something alerts to work through, and besides that you are working through a lot of work!  But I was happy to see your name, as I wondered yesterday where you had gone to.  Guess work plus illness plus more work will do that to you.  I smiled at you getting a new iron hoping that would make ironing nicer.  But hey, ironing got a lot nicer after we stopped using old stove irons!  My mom got a gas iron and she didn't care if flames leaped to the ceiling when she lighted it, but I ran outside and swore I would never use an iron like that!  I do hope you stay well in merry old England.  It is interestng to read how people cope there with life's ups and downs. A little different than we do in the states but basically the same.  Gerry  

Anonymous said...

Thank God you're back!  I was starting to get worried!  Glad you are over the lurgy and on the mend but the poor lady from work sounds like her problems are just beginning!  I dunno about you but caravan to bike???? That's a big
Anyway, hope you can find yourself a bargain and one with a comfortable seat. I hate how the seats make your bum feel for the first few days of riding them!!!!

Glad you are back and I too have tried the 'new iron' thing to try and make it more exciting but nothing seems to work for me either!!!  

Have a great week.


Wendy in Oz

Anonymous said...

I wondered where you had gotten to!  Glad to know all is ok and that nothing terrible was wrong.  It was lovely catching up with you!

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))I am soy about your Co worker,I hope you She will get Her life in order.I need to get mine in order to.LOL.Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Trick or treat Terry....luv bella xx