Tuesday, 20 November 2007

This and that

Well, here I am, sorry for the absence again but have been running round in my usual headless chicken style.

We are off today to Auntie Midge's funeral in Margate.  She is Paul's mum's sister.  We lost Paul's mum at the age of 53, so young.  Midge was a very forthright lady.  Stood about 5ft 4ins tall and quite pretty.  She was single for many years and then married a Polish man, John.  He was a great fellow, of course we had a lot in common with me being Polish as well.  Midge liked the Polish slant and used to speak in Polish, well sort of a Polish to English people!!  John unfortunately died after they had been married for about 10 years and Midge really found it hard to adjust without him.  She eventually moved to Harlow as she had a cousin living nearby but with Midge's nature they had a big falling out and never spoke again.  When Paul's brother remarried he got very close to Midge and encouraged her to sell her house and give him £100,000 to put into a bed and breakfast venture he was starting in Margate.  We all tried to talk to her about it but she was having none of it.  She was lonely and couldn't wait to live with her favourite nephew.  Well, within a year she had been committed by him to a mental health unit!  She had thought she was going into respite care whilst they went away on holiday.  She never returned to the bed and breakfast, which I believe was sold because it wasn't making any money.  She then went into an old folks' home and passed away peacefully after morning tea the other week.  God knows, its going to be difficult to see Paul's brother today if he is there, Paul hasn't got a lot of time for him anyway and I hope he doesn't end up punching him on the nose.

Matthew went away to a scout camp this weekend, it was nice because one of his original leaders was there with his troop.  He moved to Cornwall the other year and I know Matthew was really pleased to see him again as he was so kind to him when he joined up and very understanding of his special needs.  I am not too sure that the leaders now appreciate that Matthew has no regard for personal safety, especially when he came home the other week after going to Scouts and they had been running around the field next to the scout hut and he tore his legs to shreds on the brambles!  It was terrible on this camp because one of the girls in his troop broke her leg ..... that could so easily have been Matthew with his gung ho style.  Matthew finishes at Scouts this year because he is too old.  I don't think he'll be going to Explorers though.  I am looking into getting him into a running club, that boy can run like a gazelle and I am sure he'd really do well.  He goes out jogging with Martin and Martin is amazed at his energy. Matthew now aged 14 and 3 months is 5ft 11ins with a size blimming 10 shoe!

Rosie is doing fine.  We met up with her older sisters this weekend and had a lovely time going round all the charity shops and having a slap up lunch.  I got Rosie an Adrian Mole book and she is really enjoying reading it. 

We took Rosie to see an ELO tribute band on Friday night.  Oooh was she bored ... I must admit that although the sound was good, the lead singer was like an old bloke you'd see strutting around at a disco ... he really got on my nerves.

On Saturday we also went to our local theatre and saw a play called "Communicating Doors".  It was really funny, it was about a hotel room with a cupboard, which people went into and went backwards and forwards in time and all their lives were interconnected.  It was a scream and I thoroughly recommend it if you see it playing anywhere.

My new filing clerk is a great disappointment.  I knew within 2 days but they say that I have to give her a chance ....  what??? Anyway, apparently I have to give them specifics, so am making up a daily list.  Its so frustrating and such a waste of my valuable time with her but if thats what I have to do .. She is a lovely lady but I might as well just do everything myself.

Tomorrow night we are having a get together for my 30 years at the firm.  I am sharing the occasion with my dear friend and boss who is getting married in 3 weeks time.  Its just our department and is going to be in the local Slug and Lettuce.  The partners in my group are paying for it as the firm was too stingy do do anything to mark the momentous occasion!  I really like the people I work with and only hoping the fee earners will stop fee earning and get there at a reasonable time.  Last year, when we had our Christmas dinner evening, we secretaries sat and waited and waited and got more and more merry until they eventually arrived at 8.30 pm when we were supposed to eat at 7pm!  I shall pace myself tomorrow night as I haven't done a lot of drinking since then!

I can't believe that Christmas is so close ... hmmm, got a couple of scarves for the twins on Saturday and have bought a few books for Rosie but that is it so far.  Perhaps I'll get a move on this weekend.

Next weekend will be a busy one.  I am planning to go to Walthamstow market.  Its a wonderful street market in East London, about 2 miles long and full of stalls selling this, that and the other.  Its a wonderful ethnic mix too.  It is also full of charity shops, lots of new books for me, ooooh.  The fruit stalls are to die for and plenty of bargains to be had.  They have a Pie and Mash shop, which we will be visiting too. 

I am still dreaming about a caravan but no luck with the lottery tickets yet.  I would like a lovely caravan and they cost so much and then with site fees etc., I think its beyond my financial limits until I do win the lottery.  Paul is fed up with me going on about it, so keeping quieter about it until I win the lottery, ha!

Rosie has a new bed coming this weekend.  She has been sleeping in my old one!  My old one is now 32 years old, can you believe.  I remember going with my mum up to Angel Road in Edmonton to a big warehouse to get it and choosing very carefully a nice big single bed with a very comfortable mattress.  I have loved it ever since.  I used to go and sleep in it if I was ill and didn't want to disturb Paul with my coughing, I would banish him there if he was ill too.  Everyone has slept in that bed, my dear sisters Andrea and Barb, my mum, Uncle Bob, Auntie Midge, Paul's sister, Pat, all my students who used to stay with us, the Queen (only joking) and many others until Rosie came to live here.  It has certainly had plenty of use and I am very sad to see it go but the mattress has had it and also the base unit is very sad.  End of an era.  I may cry as it is taken out.  Farewell my dear old bed, happy memories.

Oh well, wittering on now.  I shall bid adieu and catch up with you again soon.  Very behind on my alerts again but will get there in the end.

Hugs to you all.

Terry x

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Reposting as I think AOL was playing up

I have been reading a journal that has really touched and humbled me.  Heres the link, go along and encourage this wonderful woman.  http://journals.aol.co.uk/spriteverdixx/a-journey-of-another-kind..../entries/2007/11/06/like-buses...../912  I have read it from the beginning and have started commenting.  If ever I moan about anything mundane, please slap me! 

Things here all calm and quiet!  It seems though that things are livening up and there is trouble coming at work, I can feel it in my bones and by the very atmosphere of the place.  I fear my new colleague will be leaving and it will cause us chaos but hey, its only a little thing in the grand scheme of life.  I shall keep you posted.

Martin started his new job on Monday and says he feels like he has gone home.  I really hope this works out for him as I know he has been so bored at home and needs to work to get his finances sorted out.

The children are back at school now after half term and we are all feeling pretty tired.  Not long though and it will be the Christmas hols and the merry go round of finding all the presents.  I just can't believe how quickly the year goes by.

I have just read the book "Abandoned" by Anya Peters.  She wrote an online blog whilst homeless.  This girl had a cruel, abusive and loveless childhood, I had to keep closing the book and it took me a while to get through it.  Heres an adddress for her journal, its wanderingscribe.blogspot.com

Well, on that cheerful note off I go!

Hugs, Tells xx


Tuesday, 6 November 2007


I have been reading a journal that has really touched and humbled me.  Heres the link, go along and encourage this wonderful woman.  http://journals.aol.co.uk/spriteverdixx/a-journey-of-another-kind..../entries/2007/11/06/like-buses...../912  I have read it from the beginning and have started commenting.  If ever I moan about anything mundane, please slap me! 

Things here all calm and quiet!  It seems though that things are livening up and there is trouble coming at work, I can feel it in my bones and by the very atmosphere of the place.  I fear my new colleague will be leaving and it will cause us chaos but hey, its only a little thing in the grand scheme of life.  I shall keep you posted.

Martin started his new job on Monday and says he feels like he has gone home.  I really hope this works out for him as I know he has been so bored at home and needs to work to get his finances sorted out.

The children are back at school now after half term and we are all feeling pretty tired.  Not long though and it will be the Christmas hols and the merry go round of finding all the presents.  I just can't believe how quickly the year goes by.

I have just read the book "Abandoned" by Anya Peters.  She wrote an online blog whilst homeless.  This girl had a cruel, abusive and loveless childhood, I had to keep closing the book and it took me a while to get through it.  Heres the link to her blog wanderingscribe.blogspot.com

Well, on that cheerful note off I go!

Hugs, Tells xx